Catalog Course - Program Editor
Assign/remove/display Course - Program pairs:
Program/Catalog Year:
Business Administration (BSc)
Business Administration (MBA)
Finance (MSc)
International Relations (BA)
International Relations (MA)
Management (BA)
Management with an emphasis in Marketing (BA)
Management with emphasis in International Business (BA)
Marketing (MSc)
Media Communications (BA)
Psychology (BA)
Psychology with an emphasis in Counselling Psychology (MA)
Strategic Communication (BA)
Minor: Anthropology
Minor: Business
Minor: Economics
Minor: European Studies
Minor: General Psychology
Minor: German
Minor: History
Minor: Management
Minor: Media Communications
Minor: Philosophy
Minor: Political Science
Minor: Sociology
AAAA 5656 there one was a ....
ACCT 2010 Financial Accounting I
ACCT 2025 Managerial Accounting
ACCT 3025 Advanced Managerial and Cost Accounting
ACCT 3030 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 3040 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 3050 International Tax Accounting
ACCT 3075 Federal Tax Accounting:Personal
ACCT 3080 Federal Tax Accounting:Corporate
ACCT 3100 Issues in Accounting
ACCT 3800 Accounting Information Systems
ACCT 4010 Accounting in an ERP Environment
ACCT 4100 Advanced Financial Accounting I
ACCT 4110 Advanced Financial Accounting II
ACCT 4220 Financial Statement Analysis
ACCT 4600 Business Valuation
ACCT 4900 Auditing
ACCT 4910 Auditing and Professional Responsibilities
ACCT 4920 Cases in Auditing
ACCT 4930 Introduction to Internal and Information
ACCT 4950 Internship
ACCT 4990 Accounting Seminar
ACCT 5000 Introduction to Forensic Accounting
ACCT 5010 Legal Procedure, Substantive Law and Professional Ethics
ACCT 5100 Investigation of Financial Fraud
ACCT 5150 Introduction to Cyber Forensics
ACCT 5200 Business Valuation
ACCT 5250 Special Topics in Litigation Accounting
ACCT 5310 Accounting in an ERP Environment
ACCT 5350 Analytics for Forensic Accountants
ACCT 5400 Internal Auditing
ACCT 5500 Case Studies in Forensics Accounting
ACCT 5900 Forensic Accounting Capstone
ACCT 6070 Management Accounting for Decision Making
ADMK ELCT Advt & Mrkt Elective-Graduate
ADVT 1940 Introduction to Marketing Communications
ADVT 2350 Introduction to Visual Communications for Advertising
ADVT 2550 Creative Strategies for Advertising
ADVT 2910 Writing for Advertising
ADVT 3150 Topics
ADVT 3200 Sports Marketing Communication
ADVT 3200 Sports Marketing Communication
ADVT 3500 Visual Communications for Advertising and Public Relations
ADVT 3599 Independent Study (Juniors or Seniors)
ADVT 3600 Social Media Content and Development
ADVT 3910 International Advertising
ADVT 4040 Advertising Production
ADVT 4190 Advertising Research
ADVT 4200 Media Planning Buying and Selling
ADVT 4610 Readings in Advertising
ADVT 4620 Senior Overview
ADVT 4700 Professional Development in Advertising/Marketing
ADVT 4910 Advertising Campaign Production
ADVT 5100 Strategic Principles of Advertising & Marketing
ADVT 5301 Marketing Communications: Sales Promotion
ADVT 5302 Marketing Communications: Product Publicity
ADVT 5303 Marketing Communications: Merchandising and Point-of-
ADVT 5304 Marketing Communications: Direct & Internet
ADVT 5305 Marketing Communications: Business-to-Business
ADVT 5321 Advertising Decision-Making
ADVT 5332 Advertising Graphics
ADVT 5341 Writing for Advertising
ADVT 5344 Speechwriting
ADVT 5410 Fundamentals of Branding
ADVT 5420 Account Planning & Consumer Insight
ADVT 5440 Media Buying and Market Analysis
ADVT 5501 Creative Planning and Strategy
ADVT 5502 Multinational Advertising
ADVT 5550 Topics in Advertising/ Marketing Communications
AMLD 5010 Introduction to Arts Management/ Planning
AMLD 5020 Legal Issues in the Arts
AMLD 5030 Fundraising/Development
AMLD 5040 Leadership Issues and Board Strategies
AMLD 5050 Community and Cultural Policy
AMLD 5060 Accounting and Finance for the Arts
AMLD 5065 Case Studies in Financial Issues
AMLD 5070 Marketing for the Arts
AMLD 5200 Seminar in Arts Leadership
AMLD 5210 Thesis Project
AMLD 5220 Completion and Acceptance of Final Thesis
AMLD 5453 Stakeholder Management Communications
AMST 1000 Topic/American subtitle
ANIM 0100 ANIM Portfolio Review
ANIM 1000 Animation I
ANIM 1010 Animation II
ANIM 1020 3D Animation Production: Core Concepts
ANIM 1040 Storyboarding
ANIM 1200 3D Character Sculpting
ANIM 2000 Advanced Animation
ANIM 2010 Experimental Animation
ANIM 2200 Introduction to 3-D Animation
ANIM 3010 Voicing Your Creation
ANIM 3020 Story Development
ANIM 3030 Visual Storytelling
ANIM 3040 Comic Book Creation
ANIM 3150 Special Topics
ANIM 3200 Intermediate 3D Animation
ANIM 3599 Independent Study
ANIM 4010 Character Design
ANIM 4040 Concept Art
ANIM 4200 Advanced 3-D Animation
ANIM 4620 Senior Overview
ANIM 4700 Professional Development in Animation
ANSO 0000 Sociology
ANSO 1000 Introduction to Sociology
ANSO 1050 Global Social Problems
ANSO 1060 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANSO 1085 Human Origins
ANSO 2060 Culture and Communication
ANSO 2200 Peoples and Cultures
ANSO 2300 Social Movements
ANSO 2720 Introduction to Measurement and Statistics
ANSO 2890 Health, Illness and Power
ANTH 1300 Introduction to Archaeology
ANTH 1400 Introduction to Geography: World and Regional
ANTH 2000 Issues in Contemporary Anthropology
ANTH 2100 Topics in Archaeology
ANTH 2510 World Musics
ANTH 2690 Food and Culture
ANTH 2760 Urban Anthropology
ANTH 2825 Qualitative Research Methods
ANTH 2900 Community Practicum
ANTH 3000 Topics in Anthropology/ Sociology
ANTH 3130 Race and Ethnicity
ANTH 3230 Cross-Cultural Masculinities
ANTH 3250 Applied Social Science
ANTH 3360 Indigenous Peoples, Culture and Globalization
ANTH 3490 Environmental Anthropology
ANTH 3550 Anthropological History
ANTH 3610 Independent Reading Course
ANTH 3730 Kinship and Family
ANTH 3875 Anthropology Lab
ANTH 4000 Advanced Studies in Anthropology
ANTH 4100 Ethnographies
ANTH 4150 Anthropology in Theory
ANTH 4260 Nationalism and Transnationalism
ANTH 4330 Global Sex/Gender Systems
ANTH 4610 Advanced Independent Reading Course
ANTH 4825 Senior Thesis
ANTH 4875 Advanced Anthropology Lab
ARHS 1050 Art Appreciation
ARHS 2000 Art Forum
ARHS 2200 Current Art
ARHS 2210 Intercultural History of Art
ARHS 2230 Visual Literacy
ARHS 2320 Introduction to Asian Art
ARHS 2350 Introductory Topics in Art History
ARHS 2400 Indigenous Arts of the World
ARHS 2700 Introduction to Curatorial Studies
ARHS 3000 Art Forum
ARHS 3010 Greek and Roman Art
ARHS 3099 Independent Study
ARHS 3110 Early Renaissance Art
ARHS 3120 High and Late Renaissance Art
ARHS 3130 Northern Renaissance Art
ARHS 3150 Baroque Art
ARHS 3210 Nineteenth-Century Art
ARHS 3250 Modern Art
ARHS 3270 Contemporary Art I: Late-Twentieth-Century
ARHS 3280 Contemporary Art II: Twenty-First-Century Art
ARHS 4600 Topics in Art History
ARHS 4610 Reading Course
ARHS 4700 Cultural Organizations: Structure and Theory
ARHS 4730 Art Theory and Criticism
ARHS 4810 International Art Capstone
ARHS 4920 Senior Thesis
ARHS 5010 Greek and Roman Art
ARHS 5110 Early Renaissance Art
ARHS 5120 High and Late Renaissance Art
ARHS 5130 Northern Renaissance
ARHS 5150 Baroque Art
ARHS 5210 Nineteenth-Century Art
ARHS 5250 History of Modern Art
ARHS 5270 Contemporary Art
ARHS 5500 History of Architecture
ARHS 5700 Historiography and Methodology
ARHS 5730 Seminar in Art Theory and Criticism
ARHS 5750 Topics in Art History
ARHS 6150 Directed Study in Art History
ARHS 6250 Thesis
ARHS SUB Art History substitution
ART 000 Art
ART 1000 Introduction to Studio Art
ART 1010 Creative Strategies
ART 110 Introduction to Drawing
ART 1110 Introduction to Drawing
ART 1120 Principles of Drawing
ART 1130 Figure Drawing for Theatre Majors
ART 2020 Studio Seminar
ART 2110 Figure Drawing
ART 2120 Intermediate Drawing
ART 2130 Illustration
ART 2212 Art, Business and Visual Culture
ART 2315 Sculpture I
ART 2410 Painting I
ART 2530 Ceramics:Space
ART 2540 Ceramics: Function
ART 2610 Printmaking Concepts and Techniques
ART 2715 Fine Art Photograpy
ART 2720 Intermediate Photography
ART 2810 Video Art
ART 2820 Sound and Noise Art
ART 3050 Topics in Studio Art
ART 3060 Text and Image
ART 3099 Independent Study
ART 3110 Conceptual Drawing
ART 3120 Narrative Figure Drawing
ART 3140 Digital Drawing
ART 3150 Anatomy Studies
ART 3200 Art Therapy:Introduction
ART 3320 Sculpture II
ART 3330 Sculpture Workshop
ART 3410 Intermed Painting I
ART 3420 Intermed Painting II
ART 3530 Ceramics Studio
ART 3540 Ceramics Materials and Technology
ART 3610 Printmaking:Silkscreen
ART 3620 Intaglio Printmaking
ART 3630 Papermaking
ART 3650 Printmaking Workshop
ART 3680 Alternative Lithography
ART 3690 Book Arts
ART 3730 Color Photographics
ART 3750 Alternative Photography
ART 3820 Performance Art
ART 3830 Time Studio
ART 3900 B.F.A Review
ART 3910 Art for the Elementary Grades
ART 4020 Visual Arts Seminar
ART 4050 Reading Course
ART 4060 Art Abroad
ART 4110 Advanced Drawing
ART 4200 Art Therapy: History and Theory
ART 4310 Advanced Sculpture
ART 4410 Advanced Painting
ART 4530 Ceramics: Special Studies
ART 4540 Ceramics: Molds
ART 4630 Printmaking Studio
ART 4710 Advanced Photography
ART 4800 Practicum
ART 4810 Professional Internship in Art Therapy
ART 4910 BA Senior Overview/ Exhibition
ART 4920 Seminar in Visual Culture
ART 4930 Secondary Art Methods
ART 4950 B.F.A. Senior Thesis
ART 5000 Graduate Seminar in Art
ART 5110 Drawing Studio
ART 5270 Graphic Design Studio
ART 5410 Painting Studio
ART 5510 Sculpture Studio
ART 5530 Ceramic Studio
ART 5620 Printmaking Studio
ART 5630 Papermaking Studio
ART 5710 Photography Studio
ART 5810 Conceptual Art
ART 5820 Performance Art
ART 5830 Alternative Media
ART 5950 Advanced Study in Art
ART 6250 Thesis
ART 6500 Graduate Internship in Art
ART 900 Art Major Acceptance Review
ART NTL ART course at Int'l campus
ART UB Art sub
ASCI SUB1 Arts&Sciences 1000-level sub
ASCI SUB2 Arts&Sciences 2000-level sub
ASCI SUB3 Arts&Sciences 3/4000-level sub
ASEL 1000 Course with American Topic
ASTD 1010 Freshman Level Aerospace Studies
ASTD 1020 Freshman Level Aerospace Studies
ASTD 2010 Sophomore Level Aerospace Studies
ASTD 2020 Sophomore Level Aerospace Studies
ASTD 3010 Junior Level Aerospace Studies
ASTD 3020 Junior Level Aerospace Studies
ASTD 4010 Senior Level Aerospace Studies
ASTD 4020 Senior Level Aerospace Studies
AUDI 2050 Audio Production II Lab
AUDI 0100 AUDI Portfolio Review
AUDI 1000 Audio Production I for Non-Majors
AUDI 1050 Introductory Topics
AUDI 1061 Steal this Music
AUDI 1062 Songs of Protest: Words and Music in the
AUDI 1063 Introduction to Podcasting
AUDI 1100 Audio Production I for Audio Majors
AUDI 1101 Audio Production I: Lab for Audio Majors
AUDI 1200 Introduction to MIDI
AUDI 1930 Audio Production I
AUDI 2000 Audio Production II
AUDI 2050 Audio Technology Practicum
AUDI 2100 Radio Production
AUDI 2300 Protools
AUDI 3000 Multitrack Recording
AUDI 3100 Audio Field Production for Visual Media
AUDI 3150 Topics
AUDI 3200 Applied Audio Maintenance
AUDI 3300 Sound System Design and Operation
AUDI 3400 Location Recording
AUDI 3450 Analog Recording & Technology
AUDI 3500 Digital Audio
AUDI 3599 Independent Study (Juniors or Seniors)
AUDI 3600 MIDI Applications: Sequencing
AUDI 3700 Jingles
AUDI 3750 Inside the Box
AUDI 3900 Audio Aesthetics
AUDI 3950 Technical Ear Training I
AUDI 3960 Technical Ear Training 2
AUDI 3970 Technical Ear Training 3
AUDI 4000 Music Recording
AUDI 4050 Professional Level Audio Production
AUDI 4100 Advanced Audio Mixing
AUDI 4200 Jingles
AUDI 4300 Advanced MIDI Applications:Film Scoring
AUDI 4400 Audio Facility Management and Operations
AUDI 4500 Soundtracks for Visual Media
AUDI 4610 Readings in Audio Production
AUDI 4620 Senior Overview
AUDI 4700 Professional Development in Audio Production
AUDI 4800 Audio Engineering
AUDI 4850 Acoustics
AUDI 4860 Psychoacoustics
AUDI 4900 Pro-Seminar in Music Recording
AUDI 5220 Podcast Production & Promotion
B111 Biblical Studies I
B111 Biblical Studies I
B112 Biblical Studies II
B113 Biblical Studies III
B113 Biblical Studies III
B114 Biblical Studies IV
B201 Greek Grammar
B203 Hebrew Grammar
B206 Latin Grammar
B301 Greek Exegesis
B303 Hebrew Exegesis
B309 Latin Readings
BIFO 5400 Data Mining for Bioinformatics I
BIFO 5425 Data Mining for Bioinformatics II
BIFO 5590 Microarray Analysis
BIOL 0000 Biology
BIOL 1010 Human Biology
BIOL 1020 Biology of Animals
BIOL 1021 Biology of Animals:Lab
BIOL 1030 Biology of Plants
BIOL 1031 Biology of Plants:Lab
BIOL 1040 Human Genetics
BIOL 1050 Biology of Disease
BIOL 1200 Stream Ecology
BIOL 1310 Issues in Biology
BIOL 1318 Topics in Biology
BIOL 1350 Phage Discovery
BIOL 1550 Essentials of Biology I
BIOL 1551 Essentials of Biology I:Lab
BIOL 1560 Essentials of Biology II
BIOL 1561 Essentials of Biology II:Lab
BIOL 1561.02 Essentials: Lab
BIOL 1580 Introduction to Computational Biology
BIOL 1610 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 1611 Anatomy and Physiology I:Lab
BIOL 1620 Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 1621 Anatomy and Physiology II:Lab
BIOL 2010 Evolution
BIOL 2200 Biological Basis of Animal Behavior
BIOL 2400 Zoology
BIOL 3010 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 3011 Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab I
BIOL 3020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 3021 Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab II
BIOL 3050 Genetics
BIOL 3051 Genetics:Lab
BIOL 3080 Cell Biology
BIOL 3081 Cell Biology:Lab
BIOL 3120 Microbiology
BIOL 3121 Microbiology:Lab
BIOL 3150 Nutrition
BIOL 3200 Ecology
BIOL 3201 Ecology:Lab
BIOL 3400 Cell Culture
BIOL 3500 Biology and Society
BIOL 3600 Topics in Biology
BIOL 3700 Plant Physiology
BIOL 3701 Plant Physiology:Lab
BIOL 3800 Medical Terminology
BIOL 3900 Journal Club
BIOL 4000 Methods in Molecular Biology
BIOL 4001 Methods in Molecular:Lab
BIOL 4030 Pathophysiology
BIOL 4050 Gene Expression
BIOL 4100 Neurobiology
BIOL 4210 Advanced Physiology I
BIOL 4220 Advanced Physiology II
BIOL 4300 Immunology
BIOL 4400 Research Methods
BIOL 4420 Senior Thesis for BA Biology
BIOL 4430 Senior Thesis for BS Biology
BIOL 4500 Virology
BIOL 4600 Seminar in Biology
BIOL 4610 Reading Course
BIOL 4700 Independent Research in Biology I
BIOL 4710 Independent Research in Biology II
BIOL 4800 Computational Biology
BIOL 4800 Computational Biology
BIOL 5200 Advanced Anatomy & Physiology I Lecture-Laboratory
BIOL 5250 Biostatistics for Nurse Anesthesia
BIOL 5300 Advanced Anatomy & Physiology II Lecture-Laboratory
BIOL 5320 Anatomy & Physiology III
BIOL 5400 Introduction to Anesthesia
BIOL 5410 Advanced Physical Assessment
BIOL 5450 Basics of Anesthesia
BIOL 5500 Principles of Anesthesia I
BIOL 5510 Anesthesia Concepts I
BIOL 5550 Anesthesia Concepts II
BIOL 5570 Concepts in Anesthesia III
BIOL 5580 Anesthesia Concepts IV
BIOL 5590 Concepts in Anesthesia IV
BIOL 5600 Clinical Experience I
BIOL 5700 Pharmacology I
BIOL 5710 Clinical Experience II-III
BIOL 5760 Clinical Experiences II
BIOL 5770 Clinical Experiences III
BIOL 5780 Genetics
BIOL 5800 Introduction to Research
BIOL 5900 Pathophysiology I
BIOL 5960 Seminars in Anesthesia/Board Review I
BIOL 6000 Pharmacology II
BIOL 6050 Seminars in Anesthesia/Board Review II
BIOL 6100 Pathophysiology II
BIOL 6105 Independent Project
BIOL 6160 Seminars in Anesthesia/Board Review III
BIOL 6170 Colloquium in Anesthesia I
BIOL 6180 Colloquium in Anesthesia II
BIOL 6200 Pharmacology III
BIOL 6210 Clinical Experience IV-VI
BIOL 6220 Clinical Experiences IV
BIOL 6230 Clinical Experiences V
BIOL 6240 Clinical Experiences VI
BIOL 6255 Cellular Biology
BIOL 6260 Seminars in Anesthesia IV
BIOL 6270 Principles of Anesthesia II
BIOL 6280 Clinical Experiences VII
BIOL 6290 Clinical Experiences VIII
BIOL 6300 Epidemiology/Models in Clinical Research
BIOL 6310 Research Project I
BIOL 6320 Research Project II
BIOL 6330 Research Project III
BIOL 6340 Research Project IV
BIOL 6350 Research Project V
BIOL 6360 Research Project/Thesis
BIOL 6370 Research/Thesis Project VII
BIOL 6380 Research/Thesis Project VIII
BIOL 6400 Clinical Experience VII-X
BIOL 6420 Clinical Experiences IX
BIOL 6430 Clinical Experiences X
BIOL 6440 Clinical Experiences XI
BIOL 6450 Clinical Experience XII
BIOL 6460 Neuroendocrinology
BIOL 6500 Immunology
BIOL 6600 Microbiology
BIOL 6640 Microbiology II
BIOL 6650 Developmental Biology
BLAW SUB Business Law sub
BSCI SUB Biological Science sub
BUSN 1000 Business Spreadsheets
BUSN 110-49 Operations and Project Management
BUSN 1200 Introduction to Business
BUSN 2100 Business Communications
BUSN 2210 Personal Finance
BUSN 2750 Introduction to Statistics
BUSN 2825 Introduction to Research Design and Methods
BUSN 3100 Issues in Business
BUSN 3150 Business Information Systems
BUSN 3500 Business and Global Issues
BUSN 3710 Entrepreneurial Financial Management
BUSN 3750 Quantitative Methods
BUSN 3850 Enterprise Systems
BUSN 3950 Business Analytics
BUSN 4110 Operations Management
BUSN 4120 Integrated Business Processes and ERP
BUSN 4130 Global Supply Chain Management
BUSN 4140 Configuation of ERP Systems
BUSN 4500 Ethical Issues in Business
BUSN 4610 Reading Course
BUSN 4650 International Business
BUSN 4747 Sports Operations and Logistics
BUSN 4950 Internship
BUSN 4990 Business Policy
BUSN 5000 Business
BUSN 5100 Introduction to Project Management
BUSN 5200 Basic Finance for Managers
BUSN 5210 Financial Management and Budgeting in Nonprofits
BUSN 5220 Global Supply Chain Management
BUSN 5250 Enterprise Systems
BUSN 5300 Project Procurement Management
BUSN 5500 Professional Seminars
BUSN 5600 Accounting Theory and Practice
BUSN 5620 Current Economic Analysis
BUSN 5630 Business Law
BUSN 5680 Issues in Business
BUSN 5700 Advances in Project Management
BUSN 5760 Applied Business Statistics
BUSN 6000 Integrated Studies in Business
BUSN 6050 Macroeconomic Analysis
BUSN 6080 Business Information Systems
BUSN 6100 Quantitative Business Analysis
BUSN 6110 Operations and Project Management
BUSN 6120 Managerial Economics
BUSN 6140 Business Research Analysis
BUSN 6150 Business Communications and Technology
BUSN 6160 Integrated Business Processes and ERP
BUSN 6180 Configuration of ERP Systems
BUSN 6200 Strategy and Competition
BUSN 6250 Thesis/Project
BUSN 6500 Internship
BUSN 6950 Internship
BUSN 9910 Travel Course - Operations and Project
BUSN 9950 Travel Course- Issues in Business
CANT USE Cannot use course
CANT USE Cannot use course
CBUD 1000 Buddhist Studies Substitution
CBUD 2000 Socially Engaged Buddhism Sub
CBUD 3000 Buddhism and Society Sub
CDIV SUB Cert/Div&Identity sub
CERT ECON Sub for Economics course
CERT MTHC Certification Math sub
CHEM 1040 Applied Chemistry for Technology Based Business
CHEM 1050 Concepts in Chemistry
CHEM 1100 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1101 General Chemistry I:Lab
CHEM 1110 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1111 General Chemistry II:Lab
CHEM 2100 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2101 Organic Chemistry I:Lab
CHEM 2101.02 Organic Chemistry Lab
CHEM 2110 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2111 Organic Chemistry II:Lab
CHEM 3100 Biochemistry I
CHEM 3101 Biochemistry I:Lab
CHEM 3110 Biochemistry II
CHEM 3111 Biochemistry II:Lab
CHEM 3200 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 3250 Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 3251 Environmental Chemistry:Lab
CHEM 3500 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 3501 Physical Chemistry I: Lab
CHEM 3510 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM 3511 Physical Chemistry II: Lab
CHEM 3600 Topics in Chemistry
CHEM 3700 Fluorescence
CHEM 3701 Fluorescence:Lab
CHEM 4100 Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 4610 Reading Course
CHEM 4700 Independent Research in Chemistry I
CHEM 4710 Independent Research in Chemistry II
CHEM 5500 Biochemistry
CHNG 5000 Practicing Change Leadership
CHNG 5100 Change Leader Self-Mastery
CHNG 5200 Change Leader Expertise for Business Results
CHNG 5300 Data-Driven Change Management and Measurement
CHNG 5400 Designing, Building and Leading Effective Teams
CHNG 5450 Managing Communication During Change
CHNG 5600 Diversity and Inclusion
CHNG 5700 Facilitating Change in High Performance
CHNG 5800 Achieving Breakthrough Results
CHNG 5900 Facilitating Emergent Change
CHNG 5950 Change Leadership in a Global Context
CHNG 6000 Capstone Project in Change Leadership
CMAT 5000 Teaching in a Diverse Society
CMAT 5010 Curriculum Theory, Development and Assessment
CMAT 5015 Differentiated Instruction and Assessment
CMAT 5020 Inquiry Methods for STEM and Social Studies
CMAT 5030 Topics in Content Area Studies
CMAT 5035 Topics in K-12 Student Development &
CMAT 5090 Practicum: Elementary School
CMAT 5091 Apprentice Teaching: Elementary School
CMAT 5096 Apprentice Teaching Seminar
CMAT 5100 Practicum: Middle School Language Arts
CMAT 5101 Practicum: Middle School Mathematics
CMAT 5102 Practicum: Middle School Science
CMAT 5103 Practicum: Middle School Social Science
CMAT 5104 Practicum: Secondary English
CMAT 5105 Practicum: Secondary Mathematics
CMAT 5106 Practicum: Secondary Social Science
CMAT 5107 Practicum: Secondary Unified Science:
CMAT 5108 Practicum: Art: K-12
CMAT 5109 Practicum: French K-12
CMAT 5110 Practicum: German K-12
CMAT 5111 Practicum: Spanish K-12
CMAT 5170 Classroom & Behavorial Management
CMAT 5199 Secondary Seminar
CMAT 5200 Apprentice Teaching: Middle School Language
CMAT 5201 Apprentice Teaching: Middle School Mathematics
CMAT 5202 Apprentice Teaching: Middle School Science
CMAT 5203 Apprentice Teaching: Middle School Social
CMAT 5204 Apprentice Teaching: Secondary English
CMAT 5205 Apprentice Teaching: Secondary Mathematics
CMAT 5206 Apprentice Teaching: Secondary Social Science
CMAT 5207 Apprentice Teaching: Secondary Unified Science:
CMAT 5208 Apprentice Teaching: Art: K-12
CMAT 5209 Apprentice Teaching: French K-12
CMAT 5210 Apprentice Teaching: German K-12
CMAT 5211 Apprentice Teaching: Spanish K-12
CMAT 5225 Education Pasport I
CMAT 5275 Education Passport 2
CMAT 5505 Psychological Foundations of Education
COAP 0000 Computer Applications
COAP 1010 Beginning Application Topics
COAP 1020 Introduction to Computer Applications
COAP 1040 Graphic Utilities I
COAP 1140 Graphic Utilities II
COAP 1200 Introduction to Computers in Education
COAP 2000 Introduction to Web Programming
COAP 2010 Application Topics Web Presence with WordPress
COAP 2020 Desktop Publishing
COAP 2100 Web Technology Principles
COAP 2110 Web Animation
COAP 2120 Web Editors
COAP 2130 Web Scripting
COAP 2145 Web Usability
COAP 2150 Design Principles I
COAP 2160 Advanced Web Animation
COAP 2180 Introduction to XML
COAP 2190 Mobile Web Design
COAP 2220 Microcomputer Software
COAP 2310 Graphics
COAP 2550 Database Software
COAP 2560 Electronic Spreadsheet
COAP 3000 Advanced Web Scripting
COAP 3010 Advanced Application Topics: Google Maps & Facebook
COAP 3030 Computer Applications in Nursing
COAP 3110 Interactive Site Development
COAP 3120 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
COAP 3150 Design Principles II
COAP 3180 Web Databases
COAP 3200 Advanced Web Programming
COAP 3900 Practicum
COAP 4910 Senior Applications Project
COAP 5000 Introduction to Web Services
COAP 5010 Web Development Technologies (XHTML)
COAP 5020 Principles of Data Exchange (XML)
COAP 5030 Web Services Protocols (XML,WSDL,SOAP,UDDI)
COAP 5040 Databases in Web Services
COAP 5050 Web Services Security
COMG 5550 Topics in Media Communications Management
COMM 5000 Fiction, NonFiction, and Poetry for Children
COMM 5020 Young Adult Literature
COMM 5030 Language history, Planning, and Policy
COMM 5050 Community College Reading ABE/ESOL
COMM 5051 The Role of Narrative in Humane Education
COMM 5080 Study Skills
COMM 5090 Drawing
COMM 5100 Painting
COMM 5110 Folklore
COMM 5140 Catalytic Drawing
COMM 5150 Design
COMM 5187 Secondary Techniques and Curriculum
COMM 5199 Teaching Writing
COMM 5200 Independent Study
COMM 5210 In-Service Education
COMM 5250 Ceramics
COMM 5260 Oral Communication
COMM 5270 Visual Communication
COMM 5280 Written Communication
COMM 5290 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 5300 Reporting Research
COMM 5340 Language Arts Seminars
COMM 5344 Introduction to Linguistics
COMM 5347 Poetry Writing
COMM 5350 Language and Culture
COMM 5390 Literature Seminars
COMM 5391 American Novel
COMM 5392 American Poetry
COMM 5393 American Short Story
COMM 5395 Contemporary World Literature
COMM 5398 World Literature
COMM 5399 Poetry on the Planet
COMM 5400 Printmaking
COMM 5410 In-Service Topics
COMM 5430 Serigraphy
COMM 5440 Integrated Language Arts
COMM 5460 Curriculum Design
COMM 5480 Advanced Composition
COMM 5490 Seminars in Reading Instruction
COMM 5510 Artists are Alive and Well
COMM 5520 Communications Seminars
COMM 5530 Technology and Teaching
COMM 5540 Methods in Teaching Secondary English
COMM 5550 Aesthetic Education Workshops
COMM 5551 Watercolors
COMM 5552 Multicultural Traditions in Art
COMM 5559 Papermaking
COMM 5560 Sculpture
COMM 5630 The Humanities Connection
COMM 5631 Literacies and Technology
COMM 5640 Methods of Teaching Art Forms, Health and PE
COMM 5670 Teaching in a Diverse Society
COMM 5730 Materials Development for Language Classrooms
COMM 5750 Special Institute
COMM 5790 Photography
COMM 5800 Applied Research
COMM 5810 Experiments in Learning
COMM 5820 Foundations in Reading Instruction
COMM 5830 Emergent Literacy
COMM 5840 Reading and Writing as Cognitive Processes
COMM 5850 Reading and Literature Study Groups
COMM 5880 Survey Reading Course for Secondary Teachers
COMM 5900 Reading Seminars
COMM 5905 Reading Assessment and Interventions, Grades
COMM 5920 Teaching Reading in Content Fields
COMM 5930 Investigations in Reading, Intermediate
COMM 5960 Differentiated Reading Instr.
COMM 5990 Independent Scholar
COMM 6000 Advanced Graduate Certificate Project
COMP POLT SUB - Comparative Polt Cluster
CONS 1010 Conservatory I
CONS 1020 Conservatory I
CONS 2010 Conservatory II
CONS 2020 Conservatory II
CONS 3010 Conservatory III
CONS 3020 Conservatory III
CONS 4010 Conservatory IV
CONS 4020 Conservatory IV
COSC 0000 Computer Science
COSC 1520 Computer Programming Concepts
COSC 1540 Emerging Technologies
COSC 1550 Computer Programming I
COSC 1560 Computer Programming II
COSC 1570 Mathematics for Computer Science
COSC 1580 Logic for Computer Science
COSC 2010 Computer Topics
COSC 2030 Visual BASIC
COSC 2040 Advanced Visual BASIC
COSC 2050 JAVA Programming
COSC 2060 Advanced JAVA
COSC 2070 Introduction to Mobile Technology
COSC 2110 Computer Languages
COSC 2610 Operating Systems
COSC 2660 Network Management
COSC 2670 Telecommunications
COSC 2810 Systems Analysis and Design
COSC 3050 Data Structures I
COSC 3100 Data Structures II
COSC 3200 Advanced Programming Techniques
COSC 3340 Mobile Computing I
COSC 3350 Mobile Computing II
COSC 3410 Computer Security
COSC 3500 IT Project Management
COSC 3510 Computer Architecture
COSC 3610 Operating Systems Concepts
COSC 3660 Network Concepts
COSC 3750 Decision Support Systems Concepts
COSC 3810 Principles of Programming Languages
COSC 3900 Practicum
COSC 3910 Project
COSC 4110 Database Concepts
COSC 4120 Database Applications
COSC 4250 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
COSC 4260 Object-Oriented Programming
COSC 4510 Mobile Development I
COSC 4520 Mobile Development II
COSC 4810 Information Systems I
COSC 4820 Information Systems II
COSC 4910 Senior Overview
COSC 5000 Distributed Systems
COSC 5010 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
COSC 5020 Object-Oriented Programming
COSC 5030 Agile Software Development
COSC 5040 Distributed Database Design
COSC 5050 Distributed Database Applications
COSC 5060 Systems Concepts
COSC 5110 Network Architecture
COSC 5120 Data Communications
COSC 5130 Computer Security & Reliability
COSC 5140 Network Design and Management
COSC 5150 Distributed Application Development
COSC 5200 Issues in Distributed Systems
COSC 6000 Distributed Systems Project
COSC 6500 Internship
COUN 0100 Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam
COUN 5020 Foundations of Counseling:The Helping Relationship
COUN 5050 Human Growth and Development
COUN 5100 Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling
COUN 5140 Psychopharmacology
COUN 5150 Psychopathology
COUN 5160 Issues in Counseling
COUN 5200 Theories of Counseling
COUN 5220 Assessment
COUN 5230 Psychodiagnostics
COUN 5450 Trauma, Crisis, and Emergency Relief
COUN 5540 Family Systems Theory
COUN 5545 Blended Family Counseling
COUN 5580 Human Sexuality Theory and Sexual Counseling
COUN 5600 Techniques of Group Counseling
COUN 5610 Techniques of Counseling
COUN 5630 Techniques of Substance Abuse Counseling
COUN 5635 Techniques of Counseling Special Populations
COUN 5640 Couples, Marriage, and Family Counseling
COUN 5650 Conjoint Counseling
COUN 5670 Counseling of Children
COUN 5680 Counseling in the School Setting
COUN 5685 Program Development for School Counselors
COUN 5700 Lifestyle and Career Development
COUN 5800 Professional Orientation and Ethical Practice
COUN 5820 Consultation and Supervision
COUN 5850 Research and Program Evaluation
COUN 6000 Counseling Learning Practicum
COUN 6100 Counseling Learning Practicum I
COUN 6200 Counseling Learning Practicum II
COUN 6500 Internship
CPIE 1000 Certificate substitution
CRIM 1050 Introduction to Criminology
CRIM 1100 Introduction to Criminology and Criminal
CRIM 1800 Careers in Criminology amd Crime Prevention
CRIM 2000 Issues in Criminology
CRIM 2200 Introduction to Forensic Science
CRIM 2250 Introduction to Crime Control Systems
CRIM 2450 Victimology
CRIM 3000 Topics in Criminology
CRIM 3250 Police and Policing
CRIM 3300 Criminology Theory
CRIM 3350 Gang and Small Group Deviance
CRIM 3610 Independent Reading Course
CRIM 3750 GIS and Crime Mapping
CRIM 3875 Criminology Lab
CRIM 4000 Advanced Studies in Criminology
CRIM 4250 Corrections and Prisons
CRIM 4610 Independent Reading Course
CRIM 4875 Advanced Criminology Lab
CRIM 4900 Senior Capstone in Criminology
CSIS 1500 Introduction to Business Technologies
CSIS 2300 Electronic Commerce
CSIS 2500 Introduction to Data Science
CSIS 3300 R Programming for Data Analytics
CSIS 3410 Information Analysis
CSIS 3500 Service-Oriented Architecture
CSIS 3700 Data Analytics Methods
CSIS 3810 Management Information Systems
CSIS 4300 Database Systems
CSIS 4310 Decision Support Systems
CSIS 4320 Data Warehousing
CSIS 4330 Data Mining
CSIS 5300 Database Systems
CSIS 5310 Introduction to Decision Support Systems
CSIS 5320 Data Analytics Foundations
CSIS 5330 Business Intelligence and ERP
CSIS 5400 Data Warehousing
CSIS 5410 Introduction to Data Mining
CSIS 5420 Data Mining
CSIS 5600 Decision Support Systems
CSIS 9950 Travel Course- Issues in Information
CSSS 2410 Cybersecurity and Internet Architecture
CSSS 2510 Cyber Attacks and Defenses
CSSS 3510 Writing Secure Code
CSSS 4510 Cybersecurity Capstone Project
CSSS 5000 Introduction to Cybersecurity
CSSS 5110 Cybersecurity Communications
CSSS 5120 Cybersecurity Infrastructures
CSSS 5130 Cybersecurity Intelligence/ Counter Intelligence
CSSS 5140 Cybersecurity Strategic Operations
CSSS 5210 Cybersecurity Law and Policy
CSSS 5220 Cybersecurity Threat Detection
CSSS 5230 Cybersecurity Forensics
CSSS 5240 Pre-emptive Deterrence
CSSS 5250 Use and Protection of Space Assets
CSSS 5260 Encryption Methods and Techniques
CSSS 5990 Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity
CSSS 6001 Practical Research in Cybersecurity I
CSSS 6002 Practical Research in Cybersecurity II
CTPC 1000 WebSiteCert Topic
DANC 3560 Lighting & Costume Design for Dance II
DANC 0000 Dance
DANC 010
DANC 1010 Ballet I
DANC 1020 Ballet I
DANC 1030 Dance as an Artform
DANC 1040 International Dance
DANC 1090 Jazz I
DANC 1100 Jazz I
DANC 1110 Modern Dance I
DANC 1120 Modern Dance I
DANC 1220 Improvisation I
DANC 1230 Tap Dance I
DANC 1240 Tap Dance I
DANC 1310 Composition I
DANC 1320 Composition I
DANC 1410 Intro to Professional Dance I
DANC 1420 Introduction to Professional Dance II
DANC 1550 Stagecraft for Dance I
DANC 1560 Stagecraft for Dance II
DANC 1600 Introduction to Global Dance
DANC 2010 Ballet II
DANC 2020 Ballet II
DANC 2050 Pointe and Variations
DANC 2060 Men's and Variations
DANC 2090 Jazz II
DANC 2100 Jazz II
DANC 2110 Modern Dance II
DANC 2120 Modern Dance II
DANC 2210 Dance History: Lineage Based to 20th Century
DANC 2230 Tap Dance II
DANC 2240 Tap Dance II
DANC 2250 Cross Training
DANC 2310 Composition II
DANC 2320 Composition II
DANC 2520 Living Anatomy and Movement
DANC 3000 Topics in Dance:
DANC 3010 Ballet III
DANC 3020 Ballet III
DANC 3050 Partnering
DANC 3060 Variations
DANC 3090 Jazz III
DANC 3099 Practicum
DANC 3100 Jazz III
DANC 3110 Modern Dance III
DANC 3120 Modern Dance III
DANC 3150 Performance Techniques I
DANC 3160 Performance Techniques II
DANC 3210 Dance History: Twentieth Century to Present
DANC 3220 Improvisation II
DANC 3250 Somatics
DANC 3550 Lighting & Costume Design for Dance I
DANC 3560 Lighting & Costume Design for Dance II
DANC 3599 Independent Study
DANC 4010 Ballet IV
DANC 4020 Ballet IV
DANC 4110 Modern IV
DANC 4120 Modern IV
DANC 4210 BA Capstone
DANC 4310 Choreographic Project
DANC 4320 Choreographic Project
DANC 4400 Dance Pedagogy
DANC 4410 Dance Seminar
DANC 4610 Reading Course
DANC 4900 Senior Seminar
DESN 1210 Design Concepts
DESN 1220 Design:3D
DESN 1500 Digital Visualization
DESN 2200 Design Play
DESN 2300 Type Dialogues
DESN 2500 Design for Digital Portfolios
DESN 3050 Topics in Design
DESN 3099 Independent Study
DESN 3200 Design Theory and Methods
DESN 3800 Professional Practice in Graphic Design
DESN 4200 Design for Good
DMGT 7140 Statistical Analysis
DMGT 7160 Quantitative Research Methods
DMGT 7180 Qualitative Research Methods
DMGT 7300 Management Systems Redesign
DMGT 7330 Managing in the Global Marketplace
DMGT 7350 Topics in Technology
DMGT 7370 Topics in Leadership
DMGT 7450 Strategic Management
DMGT 7500 Leadership
DMGT 7520 Organizational Development and Change
DMGT 7750 Advanced Organizational Behavior
DMGT 7800 Topics
DMGT 7900 Integrative Seminar
DMGT 8000 Doctoral Project
DMGT 8010 Doctoral Project Completion
ECED 5010 Foundations of Early Childhood Education
ECED 5040 Program Models in Early Childhood/Early Childhood
ECED 5096 Apprentice Teaching Seminar
ECED 5200 Independent Study
ECED 5410 In-Service Topics
ECED 5430 Language and Motor Development in Infant Toddler Programs
ECED 5431 Infant Toddler Practicum
ECED 5460 Curriculum Design
ECED 5461 PrePrimary Practicum
ECED 5462 Early Primary Practicum
ECED 5466 PrePrimary Early Childhood Special Education Practicum
ECED 5470 Observation, Documentation and Analysis of Learning in Early
ECED 5480 Math Methods for the Young Child
ECED 5510 Understanding and Supporting Children's Thinking
ECED 5670 Social Intelligence and Relationships:The Foundations
ECED 5740 Inquiry Learning in Early Childhood
ECED 5750 Negotiated Learning: The Reggio Emilia Approach to
ECED 5760 Fundamentals of the Reggio Approach Study Tour
ECED 5800 Applied Research
ECED 5810 Pedagogical Internship I
ECED 5811 Pedagogical Internship II
ECED 5820 Creating Learning Environments
ECED 5830 Topics in Early Learning
ECED 5840 Issues in Parenting
ECED 5850 Practicum in Early Childhood Education
ECED 5860 Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Early Childhood
ECED 5870 Valuing the Expressive Languages in Education
ECED 5880 Integrating Resources:Community, Schools and Family
ECED 5940 Apprentice Teaching: Pre-Primary
ECED 5950 Apprentice Teaching: Primary (1-3)
ECON 2000 Survey of Economics
ECON 2020 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2030 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 3000 Basic Economic Modelling
ECON 3020 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 3030 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 3100 Issues in Economics
ECON 3150 Digital Economy
ECON 3200 Money and Banking
ECON 3410 Labor Economics
ECON 3700 Economics of Development
ECON 3720 International Trade and Finance
ECON 3737 The Business of Sports
ECON 4000 Assessment Exam
ECON 4300 Public Finance
ECON 4600 Comparative Economic Systems
ECON 4610 Reading Course
ECON 4800 Industrial Organizational Economics
ECON 4900 History of Economic Thought
ECON 4910 Comparative Economic Problems
ECON 4950 Internship in Economics
EDEX 2750 Student Leadership Development
EDOC 7120 Global Histories and Politics in Education
EDOC 7130 Communications Technologies in Educational Systems
EDOC 7140 Educational Equity and Ethics: Theory and
EDOC 7150 Seminar: Social Justice, Transformative Learning and
EDOC 7500 Service Learning Practicum
EDOC 7510 Interdisciplinary Professional-Seminar
EDOC 7520 Interdisciplinary Pro-Seminar II
EDOC 7530 Interdisciplinary Pro-Seminar III
EDOC 7540 Interdisciplinary Pro-Seminar IV
EDOC 8000 Doctoral Dissertation Research and Writing
EDTC 5010 Introduction to Technologies for Educators
EDTC 5020 Assistive Technology
EDTC 5030 Topics in Classroom Technologies
EDTC 5032 Intro to Assessment Using Technology
EDTC 5033 Learning Communities
EDTC 5034 Maximizing Interactive Learning with Technology
EDTC 5036 Searching for Classroom Opportunities
EDTC 5040 Graphic Design for Educators
EDTC 5060 Educational Software
EDTC 5070 Desktop Publishing for Educators
EDTC 5100 Teaching with Technology: Methods and Materials
EDTC 5180 Applications Software
EDTC 5190 Topics in Classroom Media
EDTC 5200 Independent Study
EDTC 5210 In-Service Education
EDTC 5250 Programming for Educators- Part I
EDTC 5255 Programming for Educators- Part II
EDTC 5290 Digital Video for Educators
EDTC 5295 Advanced Digital Video Editing
EDTC 5297 Advanced Computer Graphics and Desktop Publishing
EDTC 5330 Theoretical Perspectives
EDTC 5332 Computers and Information Systems
EDTC 5334 Constructivism and Technology
EDTC 5336 Technology and Differentiated Instruction
EDTC 5338 Evaluating Emerging Technologies
EDTC 5340 Modeling Data to Enhance Instruction
EDTC 5410 In-Service Topics
EDTC 5460 Curriculum Design & Technology Applications
EDTC 5465 Instructional Design
EDTC 5550 Web Authoring and Design Part I
EDTC 5555 Web Authoring & Design II
EDTC 5560 Internet Applications
EDTC 5630 Advanced Topics in Classroom Technologies
EDTC 5631 Literacies and Technology
EDTC 5632 Databases for Decision Making
EDTC 5633 Adult Learning and Technology
EDTC 5635 Robotics in the Classroom
EDTC 5637 Systemic Change Theory & Technology
EDTC 5638 Technology & Language Arts
EDTC 5639 Technology & Thinking Skills
EDTC 5710 Maintaining Computer Systems
EDTC 5720 Computer Networks
EDTC 5730 Technical Environment Management
EDTC 5740 Designing Ed Tech Facilities
EDTC 5745 Instructional Technology Planning & Management
EDTC 5750 Special Institute
EDTC 5770 Using Mobile Apps for Learning
EDTC 5775 Developing Mobile Apps for Learning
EDTC 5800 Applied Research
EDTC 5820 Designing an Online Course- Part I
EDTC 5825 Designing an Online Course-Part II
EDTC 5830 Video Conferencing for Educators
EDTC 5840 Designing an Online Curriculm
EDTC 5900 Technology, Ethics, and Society
EDTC 5990 Independent Scholar
EDTC 5995 Final Program Survey
EDTC 5996 Content Performance Portfolio
EDTC 6000 Advanced Graduate Certificate Project
EDTC 6022 Designing Accessible Learning Communities
EDTC 6136 Designing Accessible Learning Communities
EDTC 6240 Educational Statistics
EDTC 6245 Research Design
EDTC 6250 Thesis in Educational Technology
EDTC 6255 Thesis in Educational Technology II
EDTC 6300 Technology Project Management
EDTC 6301 Technology Planning Management Internship
EDTC 6460 Foundations of Educational Technology Leadership
EDTC 6461 Design of Educational Technology Supported Learning
EDTC 6465 Design of Technology Supported Learning
EDTC 6995 Final Program Survey
EDTC 6996 Content Performance Portfolio
EDUC 1000 Educational Program Analysis
EDUC 1050 Outdoor Education
EDUC 1100 Math Tutoring
EDUC 1500 Webster 101
EDUC 1510 Major and Career Explorations
EDUC 2000 Beginning Practicum in Education
EDUC 2070 Child Development
EDUC 2080 Early Adolescent Development
EDUC 2110 Communication in Education
EDUC 2120 Adolescent Development
EDUC 2140 Writing for Teachers
EDUC 2180 International Children's Literature
EDUC 2240 Middle School Philosophy and History
EDUC 2300 Child and Adolescent Development
EDUC 2550 Student Literacy Corps
EDUC 2800 Foundations in Education
EDUC 2810 Early Field Experience
EDUC 2850 Foundations of Early Childhood Education
EDUC 2900 The Education of Students with Exceptionalities
EDUC 3000 Practicum: Elementary
EDUC 3001 Practicum: MDSC Language Arts
EDUC 3002 Practicum: MDSC Math
EDUC 3003 Practicum: MDSC Science
EDUC 3004 Practicum: MDSC Social Science
EDUC 3005 Practicum: Secondary English
EDUC 3006 Practicum: Secondary Math
EDUC 3007 Practicum: Secondary Social
EDUC 3008 Practicum: Secondary Unified Sci:
EDUC 3009 Practicum: Art
EDUC 3010 Practicum: K-12 Choral Music
EDUC 3011 Practicum: K-12 Instrumental
EDUC 3012 Practicum: K-12 French
EDUC 3013 Practicum: K-12 German
EDUC 3014 Practicum: K-12 Spanish
EDUC 3015 Practicum: Special Education
EDUC 3070 Intro to Sign Language & Deaf Culture
EDUC 3099 Practicum: Seminar
EDUC 3100 Learning, Teaching, and Assessment
EDUC 3120 Class Assessment
EDUC 3125 Technology In The Classroom
EDUC 3126 Web 2.0 Technologies in the Classroom
EDUC 3127 Interactive Technologies in the Classeoom
EDUC 3128 Multimedia in the Classroom
EDUC 3129 Assistive Technologies
EDUC 3130 Adventure Education Program
EDUC 3140 Introduction to Global Education
EDUC 3150 Education in a Diverse Society
EDUC 3155 Early Diversity Practicum
EDUC 3160 Multimodal Literacies
EDUC 3170 Methods of Teaching Language Arts
EDUC 3180 Children's Literature
EDUC 3190 Young Adult Literature
EDUC 3225 Education Passport I
EDUC 3275 Education Passport 2
EDUC 3300 Topics in Education
EDUC 3375 Behavior Management
EDUC 3500 Methods of Teaching Secondary School
EDUC 3520 Methods of Teaching Elementary Reading
EDUC 3540 Methods of Teaching Art and Music
EDUC 3550 Methods of Teaching Health and P.E.
EDUC 3600 Classroom Organization and Curriculum
EDUC 3650 Instructional Design
EDUC 3700 Methods of Teaching Strategic Reading and Writing
EDUC 3900 Methods of Teaching Reading and Writing in
EDUC 4000 Apprentice Teaching Seminar
EDUC 4020 Health, Nutrition and Safety
EDUC 4070 Methods of Teaching Reading in the Content Areas
EDUC 4105 Methods of Teaching Middle School Language Arts
EDUC 4110 Methods of Teaching Secondary English
EDUC 4115 Methods of Teaching Middle School Social
EDUC 4120 Methods of Teaching Secondary Social Studies
EDUC 4130 Methods of Teaching Writing
EDUC 4200 Methods in Middle School Curriculum and Instruction
EDUC 4250 Economics and Geography for Global Sustainability
EDUC 4330 Introduction to Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities
EDUC 4435 Inclusive Practices for the General Education Teacher
EDUC 4440 Inclusion Strategies
EDUC 4450 Psychoeducational Assessment
EDUC 4460 Methods of Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate
EDUC 4470 Methods of Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate
EDUC 4480 Special Education Counseling for Life
EDUC 4565 Global Education Portfolio Review
EDUC 4575 Methods of Teaching Elementary Social Studies
EDUC 4580 Methods of Teaching Elementary Science
EDUC 4585 Methods of Teaching Middle School Science
EDUC 4600 Educational Research
EDUC 4610 Reading Course
EDUC 4620 Educational Internship
EDUC 4650 Senior Overview
EDUC 4690 Assessment and Advancement of Reading Abilities
EDUC 4695 Differentiated Reading Assessment and Intervention
EDUC 4700 Analysis and Correction of Reading Disabilities
EDUC 4730 Language Development
EDUC 4740 Child Development II
EDUC 4741 Infant/Toddler Practicum
EDUC 4770 Assessment of Young Children
EDUC 4830 Early Childhood Curriculum
EDUC 4831 Preprimary Practicum
EDUC 4832 Practicum: Intermediate
EDUC 4880 Family and Community Resources
EDUC 4940 Apprentice Teaching: Early Childhood (PreK-
EDUC 4950 Apprentice Teaching: Elementary Primary
EDUC 4960 Apprentice Teaching: Elementary Intermediate
EDUC 4965 Apprentice Teaching: MDSC Language Arts
EDUC 4966 Apprentice Teaching: MDSC Math
EDUC 4967 Apprentice Teaching: MDSC Science
EDUC 4968 Apprentice Teaching: MDSC Social Science
EDUC 4970 Apprentice Teaching: Secondary English
EDUC 4971 Apprentice Teaching: Secondary Math
EDUC 4972 Apprentice Teaching: Secondary Social Science
EDUC 4973 Apprentice Teaching: Secondary Unified Science:
EDUC 4980 Apprentice Teaching: Special Education
EDUC 4981 Apprentice Teaching: Special Education Middle
EDUC 4982 Apprentice Teaching:Art K-12
EDUC 4983 Apprentice Teaching: Choral Music K-12
EDUC 4984 Apprentice Teaching: K-12 Instrumental Music
EDUC 4985 Apprentice Teaching: World Languages K-12:
EDUC 4986 Apprentice Teaching: K-12 World LAnguages:
EDUC 4987 Apprentice Teaching: K-12 World Languages:
EDUC 5001 Foundations of Global Citizenship
EDUC 5010 Introduction to Online Graduate Studies
EDUC 5020 Foundations of Education
EDUC 5080 Planning for the Inclusive Classroom
EDUC 5090 Curricular and Instructional Adaptations
EDUC 5100 Multidisciplinary Education
EDUC 5111 Clsrm Appl of Int'l Experiences:
EDUC 5200 Independent Study
EDUC 5201 Advancement to Candidacy
EDUC 5210 In-Service Education
EDUC 5220 Contemporary Educational Issues
EDUC 5230 Foundations of Humane Education
EDUC 5300 Methods of Teaching Elementary School Students
EDUC 5410 In-Service Topics
EDUC 5460 Curriculum Design
EDUC 5461 Curriculum & Creativity
EDUC 5490 Seminars in Education
EDUC 5631 Literacies and Technology
EDUC 5750 Special Institute
EDUC 5800 Applied Research
EDUC 5911 Social & Personality Development
EDUC 6000 Advanced Graduate Certificate Project
EDUC 6001 Integrated Studies in Education
EDUC 6250 Thesis
EFGS 5000 Education for Global Sustainability
EFGS 5020 Adventure Education:Personal Development
EFGS 5080 Energy Conservation
EFGS 5100 Adventure Education:Cooperation and Initiative Tasks
EFGS 5200 Independent Study
EFGS 5201 Advancement to Candidacy
EFGS 5220 Teaching Sustainability through Literature
EFGS 5240 Creating Sustainable Schools
EFGS 5250 Child as Naturalist
EFGS 5260 Topics in Sustainability
EFGS 5270 Exploring Regions
EFGS 5410 In-Service Topics
EFGS 5430 Sustainability Leadership: Transitions and Change
EFGS 5740 Economics:Choices and Challenges
EFGS 5900 Reflections and Next Steps
EFGS 6001 Integrated Studies: Education for Global
ELCT 5SUB SOE elective substitution
ELCT HIST American History Elective sub
ELCT HRTS Int'l HumRghts Elective sub
ELCT MUSC BA MUSC Elective sub
ELEC 1*** General Elective - 1000 level
ELEC 2*** General Elective - 2000 level
ELEC 3*** General Elective - 3000 level
ELEC 4*** General Elective - 4000 level
ELEC SUB Elective
ELEM SUB Elementary substitution
ENGL 1030 Introduction to Literature
ENGL 1044 Topics in Literature
ENGL 1050 Introduction to American Literature
ENGL 1060 Protest Literature
ENGL 1100 Comparative European Literature
ENGL 1200 Great Books, Liberal Studies, and Life
ENGL 1900 Introductory Seminar in Literary Analysis
ENGL 2020 Major British Writers I
ENGL 2030 Major British Writers II
ENGL 2050 Major U.S. Writers I
ENGL 2070 Major U.S. Writers II
ENGL 2086 Contemporary Multiethnic Literature of the United
ENGL 2110 Perspectives
ENGL 2150 Creative Writing:Poetry
ENGL 2160 Creative Writing:Fiction
ENGL 2170 Creative Writing: Playwriting
ENGL 2180 Creative Writing:NonFiction
ENGL 2190 Creative Writing: Translation
ENGL 2200 Introduction to English Literature
ENGL 2210 Literature into Film
ENGL 2250 Literary London
ENGL 2300 Worlds of Romance
ENGL 2400 The Short Story
ENGL 2500 Global Dramatic Literature
ENGL 2600 Introduction to Linguistics
ENGL 3000
ENGL 3010 Playwriting
ENGL 3030 Topics in Poetry
ENGL 3040 Topics in Fiction
ENGL 3050 Topics in Drama
ENGL 3100 Modern Drama
ENGL 3130 Contemporary Drama
ENGL 3140 Women Create Women in Literature
ENGL 3150 History of the Novel
ENGL 3150 Men Create Women in Literature
ENGL 3160 Advanced Creative Writing
ENGL 3190 Comedy and Satire
ENGL 3210 Tragic Themes
ENGL 3300 20th Century American Poetry
ENGL 3450 Reading and Writing Autobiography
ENGL 3500 Contexts
ENGL 3600 Prize Winning US Writers
ENGL 3900 Myth and Classical Literature
ENGL 4000 Myth and Modern Literature
ENGL 4010 Art and the Artist
ENGL 4020 Heroic Themes
ENGL 4030 Literature of Latin America
ENGL 4130 Seminar in a Single Author
ENGL 4150 Shakespeare I
ENGL 4160 Shakespeare II
ENGL 4190 The Story of English
ENGL 4400 Advanced Writing Workshop
ENGL 4500 Literary Criticism
ENGL 4600 Portfolio Review
ENGL 4610 Reading Course
ENGL 4900 Thesis Workshop
ENGL 4910 Honors Thesis
ENGL ELCT ENGL Elective substitution
ENMG 120 Waste Management & Pollution Control
ENMG 5000 Environmental Science
ENMG 5100 Environmental Law
ENMG 5100 Environmental Law I
ENMG 5200 Environmental Law and Compliance Auditing
ENMG 5200 Environmental Regulations and Compliance Auditing
ENMG 5300 Environmental Accounting
ENMG 5300 Environmental Accounting
ENMG 5400 Environmental Sustainability
ENMG 5410 Environmental Ethics and Decision Making
ENMG 5420 Natural Resource Management and Sustainability
ENMG 5430 Energy Policy and Sustainability
ENMG 6100 Management of Land and Water Res ources
ENMG 6100 Management of Land and Water Resources
ENMG 6100 W1 Management of Land and Water Resources
ENMG 6110 Management of Air Quality
ENMG 6120 Waste Management and Pollution Control
ENMG 6200 Environmental Management Water R esources
ENMG 6200 Environmental Risk Management an d Strategies
ENTR 5000 Entrepreneurship Process, Methods and
ENTR 5200 Corporate Entrepreneurship
ENTR 5220 Arts Entrepreneurship
ENTR 6000 Walker Business Plan Competition
ENVS 1000 Envirnmnt'l Stds Substitution I
ENVS 2000 Envirnmnt'l Stds Substitution II
EPMD 1000 Introduction to Media Production
EPMD 1010 Intro to Media Production for Journalism
EPMD 2000 Introductory Topics in Media
EPMD 3000 Intermediate Topics in Media
EPMD 4000 Advanced Topics in Media
EPSY 5001 Foundations of Global Citizenship
EPSY 5060 Assessment and Evaluation of Academic Performance
EPSY 5100 Theories of Creativity: Implications for Education
EPSY 5130 Educational Psychology
EPSY 5150 Resilience and Self-Concept Development
EPSY 5170 Behavioral Management
EPSY 5210 In-Service Education
EPSY 5290 Family Counseling
EPSY 5350 Intercultural Communications
EPSY 5370 Counseling
EPSY 5380 Multicultural Counseling
EPSY 5390 Applied Statistics in Educational Psychology
EPSY 5461 Curriculum and Creativity
EPSY 5490 Seminars in Immigrant and Refugee Experiences
EPSY 5500 Practicum in Educational Psychology
EPSY 5505 Applied Development & Educational Psychology
EPSY 5510 Psychosocial Aspects of Migration
EPSY 5540 Psychology of Early Adolescence
EPSY 5600 Practicum in Educational Psychology
EPSY 5601 Gifted Education Practicum
EPSY 5750 Special Institute
EPSY 5800 Applied Research
EPSY 5810 Advanced Adolescent Psychology
EPSY 5816 Advanced Child Development
EPSY 5880 Psychology of Memory, Learning, and
EPSY 5890 Psychology of Stress
EPSY 5910 Curriculum and Instruction for the Gifted
EPSY 5911 Social and Personality Development
EPSY 5918 Advanced Educational Psychology
EPSY 5920 Meeting the Affective Needs of Gifted Children
EPSY 5930 Screening, Assessing, and Evaluating Gifted Students
EPSY 5940 Gifted Program Planning and Evaluation
EPSY 5951 Child Rights for School
EPSY 5952 Children, Culture, and Violence
EPSY 5970 The Gifted Learner
EPSY 5971 Models and Strategies of Behavior Management
EPSY 5980 Motivation in the 21st Century Classroom
EPSY 5990 Identifying Giftedness in Underserved Populations
EPSY 5991 Issues in Assessment: Cultural and Linguistic
EPSY 6000 Advanced Graduate Certificate Project
EPSY 6001 Capstone: Integrated Studies in Education
EPSY 6036 Psychoeducational Assessment II
EPSY 6037 Mental Health in Schools: Assessment and
EPSY 6100 Practicum in Data-Based Decision-Making
EPSY 6101 Practicum in Data-Based Decision-Making:Applied
EPSY 6102 Practicum in Data-Based Decision-Making:Mental Health
EPSY 6103 Practicum in Data-Based Decision-Making:Adv
EPSY 6104 Practicum in Data-Based Decision-Making:Consultation
EPSY 6121 Portfolio-Based Analysis: School Psychology
EPSY 6200 Seminar in School Psychology
EPSY 6250 Thesis
EPSY 6300 School Consultation in a Global Society
EPSY 6500 School Psychology Internship
ESLG 0000 English as a Second Language
ESLG 1000 Intensive English as a Second Language
ESLG 2000 Intermediate English as a Second Language
ESLG 2090 Intermediate Language Skills: Level I
ESLG 2100 Intermediate Language Skills: Level II
ESLG 2170 Intermediate Conversational English
ESLG 2200 Pronunciation and Diction
ESLG 2230 Intermediate Reading and Writing Skills:Level I
ESLG 2240 Intermediate Reading and Writing Skills:Level II
ESLG 3070 Upper Intermediate English as a Second Language
ESLG 3150 Culture and Civilization of the English-Speaking World
ESLG 3170 Advanced Discussion Skills
ESLG 3230 Advanced Reading and Writing Skills:Level I
ESLG 3240 Advanced Reading and Writing Skills:Level II
ESLG 3310 Advanced Language Skills
ESLG 3400 Test Preparation Techniques for International Students
ESLG 3500 Topics
ESLG 4000 Advanced English as a Second Language
ESLG 4035 Extensive Reading
ESLG 4045 Writing and Grammar
ESLG 4050 English as a Second Language Seminar
ESLG 4070 Academic and Standardized Test Prep
ESLG 4170 Listening and Note-Taking Skills
ESLG 4250 Research Writing and Library Skills
ESLG 4400 Writing/Reading Techniques for Graduate Studies
ETHC 1000 Issues and Problems in Ethics
ETHC 2000 Intermediate Issues
ETHC 3000 Advanced Issues
EXSC 1318 Careers in Exercise Science
EXSC 1400 Foundations of Exercise Science
EXSC 2356 Principles of Athletic Training
EXSC 3050 Exercise Physiology
EXSC 3051 Exercise Physiology: Lab
EXSC 3250 Kinesiology
EXSC 4680 Exercise Prescription and Testing
EXSC 4681 Exercose Testing and Prescription:Lab
EXSC 4683 Exercise Prescription for Special Populations
EXSC 4875 Exercise Science Internship
F Introduction to Psychology
FELC SUB Finance Elective-substitution
FILM 0100 Film Production Portfolio Review
FILM 3740 Filmmaking II
FINC 3210 Principles of Finance
FINC 3600 Financial Management
FINC 3800 Financial Markets and Institutions
FINC 4210 Investments
FINC 4220 Financial Statement Analysis
FINC 4300 International Finance
FINC 4610 Advanced Investments
FINC 5000 Finance
FINC 5100 Financial Modeling
FINC 5210 Investments
FINC 5810 Capital Budgeting and Corporate Investment
FINC 5830 Institutions and Financial Markets
FINC 5840 International Finance
FINC 5850 Issues in Finance
FINC 5860 Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital
FINC 5870 Derivatives
FINC 5880 Advanced Corporate Finance
FINC 5890 Financial Statement Analysis
FINC 5910 Advanced Investments and Portfolio Management
FINC 6250 Thesis/Project
FINC 6290 Mergers and Aquisitions
FINC 6500 Internship
FINC 9950 Travel Course- Issues in Finance
FLPR SUB Film Production Sub
FLST 0100 FLST Portfolio Review
FLST 1000 Film and Television Appreciation
FLST 2050 History of Film
FLST 2060 Modern World Cinema
FLST 2070 History of Animation
FLST 3160 Topics in Film Studies
FLST 3170 Topics in Documentary Film Studies
FLST 3599 Independent Study
FLST 4160 Survey of Film Theory and Criticism
FLST 4610 Readings in Film Studies
FLST 4620 Senior Overview
FORL 0100 Oral Proficiency
FORL 0200 Study Abroad
FORL 1170 Elementary Conversation
FORL 4050 Translation
FORL 4060 Methods in Teaching Foreign Languages
FORL OOOO Foreign Language
FREN 0000 French
FREN 1070 Intensive Introduction to French:Level I
FREN 1080 Intensive Introduction to French French:Level II
FREN 1090 Elementary French: Level I
FREN 1091 Workshop
FREN 1100 Elementary French: Level II
FREN 1101 Workshop
FREN 2090 Intermediate French: Level I
FREN 2091 Workshop
FREN 2100 Intermediate French: Level II
FREN 2101 Workshop
FREN 2170 Intermediate Conversational French
FREN 2250 La Cuisine Francaise
FREN 3090 Advanced French:Level I
FREN 3091 Workshop
FREN 3100 Advanced French Level II
FREN 3150 French Civilization
FREN 3151 Workshop
FREN 3250 Introduction to French Literature
FREN 4090 Topics in Advanced Language
FREN 4170 Advanced Conversational French
FREN 4250 Topics in Literature
FREN 4650 Advanced Topics
FRLG 5180 Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages
FRSH 1200A First Year Seminar
FRSH 1200B Advanced Placement Seminar
FTVP 0500 Monthly Meeting
FTVP 1000 Introduction to Film, Television, and Video
FTVP 1100 Produce and Direct
FTVP 1200 Camera and Light
FTVP 1300 Edit and Color
FTVP 1400 Graphics and Effects
FTVP 2100 Producing the Narrative
FTVP 2150 Directing the Narrative
FTVP 2180 Documentary Production
FTVP 2200 Cinematography
FTVP 2300 Advanced Edit and Color
FTVP 2400 Motion Graphics
FTVP 2450 Visual Effects
FTVP 2500 Event and Studio Production
FTVP 3000 StoryLab
FTVP 3100 Experimental Film and Video
FTVP 3150 Topics in Film, Television, or Video Production
FTVP 3200 Reality TV
FTVP 3300 The Socially Responsible Filmmaker
FTVP 3500 Production House
FTVP 3599 Independent Study in Film, Video or Television
FTVP 4000 Professional Development in Film, Television and
FTVP 4200 Senior Overview
FTVP 4950 Graduate Independent Study
FTVP 5310 Fundamentals of Video Cameras * Lighting
FTVP 5330 Digital Graphics & Motion Graphics Production
FTVP 5331 Video Editing & Webisode Creation
GAME 2000 Introduction to Video Game Theory and Design
GAME 2500 Traditional Game Design
GAME 3000 Video Game Design I
GAME 3150 Special Topics in Game Design
GAME 3500 History of Video Games
GAME 3650 World Design
GAME 4000 Video Game Level Design
GAME 4500 Video Game Design II
GAME 4600 Video Game Production
GAME 4620 Senior Overview
GENC SUB General Communications sub
GEOG 1000 Int'l Stds - Geographic Focus
GEOG TOPC Topcs Geogrphy/Teacher Certfctn
GERM 0000 German
GERN 5000 Gerontology
GERN 5500 Professional Seminars
GERN 5600 Economic Issues for Older Adults
GERN 5620 Physiology of Aging
GERN 5630 Psychology of Aging
GERN 5640 Management of Programs for Older Adults
GERN 5650 Counseling for the Aged
GERN 5660 Research and Assessment in Gerontology
GERN 5670 Social Science Perspectives in Gerontology
GERN 5680 Practicum in Gerontology
GERN 5690 Issues in Gerontology
GERN 6000 Integrated Studies in Gerontology
GERN 6500 Internship
GLBC 1200 Global Cornerstone Seminar
GNED 1000 Category 1 General Education
GNED 1010 Critical Thinking
GNED 1020 Communications
GNED 1030 Historical Consciousness
GNED 1040 Humanities
GNED 1050 Values
GNED 1060 Cultural Understanding
GNED 1070 Arts Appreciation
GNED 1080 Scientific Understanding
GNED 1090 Mathematics
GNED 2000 Category 2 General Education
GNED 3000 Category 3 General Education
GNST 0000 General Studies
GNST 1101 Online and Interdisciplinary Learning
GNST 1300 Technology, Science, and Society
GNST 1308 Technology, Science, and Society
GNST 1400 Civilization and the Arts
GNST 2000 Topics in the Liberal Arts
GNST 2004 Topics in the Liberal Arts
GNST 2005 Topics in the Liberal Arts
GNST 2006 Topics in the Liberal Arts
GNST 2101 Integrative Studies
GNST 2200 Transfer Student Seminar
GNST 2500 Honors Seminar
GNST 3101 Methods of Inquiry
GNST 3500 Liberal Arts Seminar
GNST 4000 Overview (0-6 Credits)
GNST 4701 Capstone
GRMN 1070 Intensive Introduction to German:Level I
GRMN 1080 Intensive Introduction to German:Level II
GRMN 1090 Elementary German: Level I
GRMN 1091 Workshop
GRMN 1100 Elementary German: Level II
GRMN 1101 Workshop
GRMN 2090 Intermediate German: Level I
GRMN 2091 Workshop
GRMN 2100 Intermediate German: Level II
GRMN 2101 Workshop
GRMN 2170 Intermediate Conversational German
GRMN 3090 Advanced German:Level I
GRMN 3091 Workshop
GRMN 3100 Advanced German:Level II
GRMN 3150 Culture and Civilization of German Speaking Countries
GRMN 3250 Introduction to Literature
GRMN 4170 Advanced Conversational German
GRMN 4250 Topics in Literature
GRMN 4650 Advanced Topics
GRST ARTS German Studies Arts&Expresns Sub
GRST COMM German Studies Communication Sub
GRST HIST German Studies History Sub
GS81 Advanced Estate Planning I (AC)
GS81 Personal Tax Planning (AC)
GS81 RetiremntSavngsPlnsEmployees(AC)
GS81 SecrAnalysis&PortfolioMngt (AC)
GS84 Executive Compensation (AC)
GSS 000 Graduate Success Studies
GSS 010 Developing Graduate Success Strategies
HCED 5210 Instructional Methods
HCED 5220 Curriculum Development and Evaluation
HCED 5230 Teaching Practicum
HCED 6000 Healthcare Edcuation Case Studies
HCLD 5230 Legal Issues for Healthcare Leaders
HCLD 5410 Leadership in Healthcare
HCLD 5420 Financial Issues for Nurse
HCLD 5440 Leadership in Healthcare Practicum
HCLD 6000 Healthcare Leader Case Studies
HEAL 5000 Advanced Theories and Concepts in Health Care
HEAL 5120 Issues in Health Care Management
HEAL 5140 The Law and Health Services
HEAL 5200 Professional Values and Ethics in Health Care
HEAL 5210 Program Development in Health Care
HEAL 5220 Politics and Economics of Health Care
HEAL 5320 Quality Assurance of Health Care
HEAL 6000 Integrated Studies in Health Care
HISA 1000 HIST SUB w/Amer sub-title
HISA 3000 HIST SUB (UPPER)w/Amer sub-title
HIST 0000 History
HIST 1010 Topics in History
HIST 1100 World Civilization Before 1500
HIST 1120 The Ancient World
HIST 1150 History of Popular Culture
HIST 1300 Colonial and Revolutionary America
HIST 1310 Nineteenth-Century America
HIST 1320 Twentieth-Century United States
HIST 1400 Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 1410 St Louis History
HIST 1500 American Studies
HIST 1800 History of American Education
HIST 2000 Social History
HIST 2010 Topics in Medieval/Early Modern European History
HIST 2020 Topics in Modern European History
HIST 2030 Topics in Asian History
HIST 2040 Topics in Latin America History
HIST 2050 Topics in African History
HIST 2060 Topics in the History of Gender and the Family
HIST 2070 Topics in Non-Western History
HIST 2090 Encounters with History
HIST 2200 History of Medieval Society
HIST 2210 Early Modern Europe
HIST 2230 The Age of Total War: Europe 1890-1945
HIST 2240 Contemporary Europe: 1945-Present
HIST 2250 History of Russia
HIST 2280 History of England
HIST 2300 History of Disease and Medicine
HIST 2320 African American History
HIST 2330 History of the Consumer Society
HIST 2340 History of American Business and Management
HIST 2360 Refugee and Migration Movements
HIST 2370 U.S. Women's History
HIST 2380 The American West: Film, Fiction, and
HIST 2600 The Craft of History
HIST 2610 Reading Course:Introductory
HIST 3000 Ideas in History
HIST 3050 Economic History
HIST 3060 History Roundtable
HIST 3100 Diplomatic History
HIST 3130 History of Human Rights
HIST 3150 International Affairs
HIST 3650 History Practicum
HIST 3800 Introduction to Methods of Teaching Social Studies
HIST 3810 Methods of Teaching Social Studies
HIST 4000 Research Requirement
HIST 4100 Advanced Studies in International Affairs
HIST 4200 Advanced Studies in European History
HIST 4300 Advanced Studies in U.S. History
HIST 4400 Advanced Studies in Non-Western History
HIST 4600 History Seminar
HIST 4610 Reading Course:Advanced
HIST 4620 Overview
HIST 4700 Senior Thesis
HIST ELCT American History Elective sub
HLSC 1300 Topics in Health Sciences
HLSC 1310 Wellness and Healthy Lifestyle
HLSC 1320 Physical Wellness
HLSC 1330 Health Maintenance
HLSC 1340 Lifeguard Training
HLSC 1345 Water Exercises
HLSC 1350 Water Safety Instructor
HLSC 1550 Tennis I
HLSC 1551 Golf I
HLSC 1554 Volleyball I
HLSC 1555 Volleyball II
HLSC 1570 Basketball I
HLSC 1572 Yoga and Wellness I
HLSC 1573 Yoga and Wellness II
HLSC 1574 Soccer I
HLSC 1575 Soccer II
HLSC 1579 Fencing I
HLSC 1580 Bowling I
HLSC 1581 Bowling II
HLSC 1582 Strength and Conditioning I
HLSC 1583 Strength and Conditioning II
HLSC 1589 Fencing II
HLSC 1590 Swimming I
HLSC 1591 Swimming II
HLSC 1600 Walking for Fitness
HLSC 1650 Fitness for Golf
HLSC 1660 RAD (Rape, Aggression & Defense)
HLSC 1670 RAD II (Rape, Aggression & Defense)
HLSC 1685 Kickball
HLSC 1690 Outdoor Recreation Activities (Frisbee,Kickball,Flag Football,
HLSC 1710 Dodgeball
HLSC 1720 Handball
HLSC 1725 Co-Ed Softball
HLSC 1730 Body Fit
HLSC 1740 Track and Field
HLSC 1750 Running for Fitness
HLSC 3100 Diversity in Health
HLSC 3200 Issues in Women's Health
HLTH 5000 Organization and Management Health Administration
HLTH 5020 Organizational Planning and Change in Health Administration
HLTH 5040 Human Resource Management in Health Administration
HLTH 5050 Financial Management in Health Administration
HLTH 5070 Financial Analysis in Health Administration
HLTH 5100 Statistics for Health Administration
HLTH 5120 Issues in Health Policy
HLTH 5140 Health Administration Law
HLTH 6000 Integrated Studies in Health Administration
HLTH 6250 Thesis/Project
HLTH 6500 Internship
HPIR ELCT HPIR Substitution
HRDV 5000 Introduction to Human Resources Development
HRDV 5500 Professional Seminars
HRDV 5560 Group Development and Change
HRDV 5570 Planning Organization Development Programs and
HRDV 5610 Training and Development
HRDV 5620 Interpersonal and Organizational Communications
HRDV 5630 Organization Development and Change
HRDV 5660 Issues in Human Resources Development
HRDV 5680 Ethics, Values, and Legal Issues in Human Resources Development
HRDV 5700 Career Management
HRDV 5710 Diversity in the Workplace
HRDV 5750 Research and Assessment in Human Resources Development
HRDV 6000 Integrated Studies in Human Resources Development
HRDV 6250 Thesis/Project
HRDV 6500 Internship
HRDV 9950 Travel Course- Issues in Human Resources
HRMG 5000 Managing Human Resources
HRMG 5660 Issues in Human Resources Management
HRMG 5690 Workforce Retention and Transitions:Theory and Practice
HRMG 5700 Employment Law
HRMG 5800 Staffing and Selection
HRMG 5920 Compensation
HRMG 5930 Labor-Management Relations
HRMG 5960 Employee Benefits
HRMG 6000 Integrated Studies in Human Resources Management
HRMG 6500 Internship
HRMG 9950 Travel Course- Issues in Human Resources
HRTS 1000 Introduction to Human Rights
HRTS 1100 Introduction to Human Rights
HRTS 1160 Arts With A Global Awareness
HRTS 2086 Topics in Human Rights
HRTS 2500 Current Problems In Human Rights
HRTS 2800 Methods of Inquiry
HRTS 3080 Advanced Topics in Human Rights
HRTS 3160 Human Rights in Film: Documentaries
HRTS 3170 Human Rights in Film: Narrative Films
HRTS 3200 Human Rights Area Studies
HRTS 3210 Prejudice and Discrimination
HRTS 3400 Human Rights and the Environment
HRTS 3500 International Human Rights Law
HRTS 3590 Theories of Human Rights
HRTS 3600 Topics in Mass Violence
HRTS 3700 Human Rights and Business
HRTS 4500 Human Rights Field Experience
HRTS 4600 Overview
HRTS 5000 Introduction to International Human
HRTS 5200 Research Methods and Approaches in International
HRTS 5300 Advocacy, Fact Finding and Outreach
HRTS 5350 Gender and Human Rights
HRTS 5400 Human Rights Diplomacy
HRTS 5450 History of Human Rights
HRTS 5600 International Human Rights Law and
HRTS 5610 International Humanitarian Law
HRTS 5620 International Criminal Law
HRTS 5800 Issues in International Human Rights
HRTS 6000 Capstone in International Human Rights
HRTS 6250 Thesis
HRTS 6500 Internship in Human Rights
HS 6 20 North American Church History
HS30 FincPlanningProcess&Env (AC)
HS31 FundmentlsInsurancePlanning (AC)
HSPS ELCT HIST/POLT Dept. elective
HSPS ULEL HIST/POLT Dept. upper-lvl electv
HUMS 5000 Foundations of Human Services
HUMS 5200 Social Welfare Policy
HUMS 5800 Field Experience I
HUMS 5850 Field Experience II
HUMS 6000 Human Services Capstone
ILC_ 000 Study Abroad: Advanced Level I
ILC_ 100 Oral Proficiency
ILC_ 1070 Intensive Introduction to Language: Level I
ILC_ 1080 Intensive Introduction to Language: Level II
ILC_ 1090 Elementary Language:Level I
ILC_ 1091 Workshop
ILC_ 1100 Elementary Language:Level II
ILC_ 1101 Workshop
ILC_ 1170 Elementary Conversation
ILC_ 120 Advanced Skills
ILC_ 130 Advanced Listening and Discussion Skills in
ILC_ 170 Seminars:
ILC_ 180 Methods of Teaching Languages
ILC_ 200 Study Abroad
ILC_ 2000 Study Abroad: Intermediate
ILC_ 2090 Intermediate Language:Level I
ILC_ 2091 Workshop
ILC_ 210 In-Service Education
ILC_ 2100 Intermediate Language:Level II
ILC_ 2101 Workshop
ILC_ 2150 Topics in Culture(s)
ILC_ 2610 Intermediate Language:Readings
ILC_ 3000 Study Abroad - Advanced Level I
ILC_ 3090 Advanced Language: Level I
ILC_ 3550 Language Practicum
ILC_ 4000 Study Abroad: Advanced Level II
ILC_ 4050 Translation and/or Interpretation
ILC_ 4060 Methods in Teaching Languages
ILC_ 4150 Contemporary Issues
ILC_ 4200 Lyric Diction
ILC_ 4600 Topics in Language(s)
ILC_ 4610 Reading Course
ILC_ 4700 Overview
ILC_ UB Language substitution
ILC_ UB2 Language substitution 2000+ lvl
INDE 1000 Int'l Studies emphasis sub
INDM SUBS Interactive Digital Media Sub
INDZ 2000 Practicum
INDZ 2500 Independent Study
INDZ 3000 Practicum
INDZ 3500 Independent Study
INDZ 3750 Cooperative Education I
INDZ 4000 Sabbatical
INDZ 4750 Cooperative Education II
INDZ 5200 Independent Study
INGO 5000 International Nongovernmental Organizations
INGO 5100 Finance, Budgeting and Accounting International
INGO 5200 Research Methods and Approaches in International
INGO 5300 Human Resources and Staffing for International Nongovermental
INGO 5510 Professional Seminar in INGO
INGO 5550 Professional Seminar in INGO
INGO 5600 Principles of Negotiation
INGO 5700 Grantwriting, Fundraising and Dev for Intl Nongovernmental Org
INGO 5900 Project Management
INGO 6000 Theory and Practice in INGO
INGO 6250 Thesis
INGO 6500 Internship in INGO
INGO 6900 University Thesis Requirements
INGO ELCT INGO Elective substitution
INGO SKLL INGO Skill cluster substitution
INTB 5000 International Business
INTB 5500 Professional Seminars
INTB 560
INTB 5600 International Accounting
INTB 5630 International Law and Business
INTB 5650 International Business Management
INTB 5660 Global Competition & Strategies
INTB 5680 Globalization
INTB 5720 International Trade and Finance
INTB 5730 Regional Economic and Geographic Perspectives
INTB 5740 Global Topics
INTB 5750 Global Topics II
INTB 5760 Advanced Global Topics
INTB 5890 Issues in International Business
INTB 5910 European and United States Economic Thought
INTB 5920 Japanese and United States Economic Thought
INTB 5930 Modern Europe:Economic, Political and Business
INTB 5940 Modern Asia:Economic, Political and Business Development
INTB 5950 Comparative Labor Movements: United States, European
INTB 5960 Economic Development
INTB 5970 International Business Language and Culture
INTB 6000 Integrated Studies in International Business
INTB 6250 Thesis/Project
INTB 6500 Internship
INTB 9950 Travel Course- Issues in International
INTE 1000 Int'l Topic Sub
INTL 0000 International Relations
INTL 1050 Introduction to International Relations
INTL 1200 Careers in History, Politics, and International Relations
INTL 1500 The World System Since 1500
INTL 2000 Issues in International Relations
INTL 2030 International Law
INTL 2100 Model U.N.
INTL 2610 Advocacy, NGOs and Civil Society
INTL 2620 Ideological Influences in International Relations
INTL 2630 New States in World Politics
INTL 2650 The Politics of Peace
INTL 2680 International Relations Theory
INTL 2690 Multinational Corporations
INTL 2700 Methods of Political Inquiry
INTL 3030 Advanced Studies in International Law
INTL 3100 International Political Economy
INTL 3150 European Integration
INTL 3200 Comparative Politics:Western Europe and the United States
INTL 3220 Current European and American Diplomatic Issues
INTL 3240 United States Foreign Policy
INTL 3260 International Communications
INTL 3290 Politics of International Economic Relations
INTL 3300 Governments and Politics of Eastern Europe
INTL 3330 International Economic Integration
INTL 3420 International Relations Practicum
INTL 3500 Environmental and Energy Security
INTL 3700 International Organizations: Structure and Political Conflict
INTL 3800 International Security
INTL 4000 Research Requirement
INTL 4280 International Economics
INTL 4600 International Relations Seminar
INTL 4610 Reading Course:Advanced
INTL 4620 Overview
INTL 4700 Senior Thesis
INTL 5000 Intro to International Relations
INTL 5050 Comparative Politics
INTL 5100 Research Methods and Perspectives
INTL 5300 Field Work
INTL 5400 International Political Economy
INTL 5500 Professional Seminars
INTL 5510 Theories of International Relations
INTL 5530 International Law
INTL 5535 International Disaster Response Law
INTL 5540 International Organizations
INTL 5550 War and Diplomacy
INTL 5555 Policy and Practice: Global Project in
INTL 5560 U.S. Foreign Policy
INTL 5570 Comparative Foreign Policy
INTL 5580 Politics of Development
INTL 5590 International Security
INTL 5595 Energy Security
INTL 5600 Area Studies
INTL 5605 Topics in Comparative Politics
INTL 5610 Non-Thesis Readings/Research
INTL 5625 Middle East Area Studies
INTL 5635 Western European Area Studies
INTL 5645 Asian Area Studies
INTL 5655 African Area Studies
INTL 5665 South and Central Asia Area Studies
INTL 5675 Central and Eastern European Area Studies
INTL 5685 Latin American Area Studies
INTL 5700 Humanitarian Issues in International Politics
INTL 5800 Globalization
INTL 5860 Issues in International Politics
INTL 5870 International Law and Politics of Outer Space
INTL 5890 Terrorism in World Politics
INTL 5900 Advanced Research Methods
INTL 6000 Capstone in International Relations
INTL 6250 Thesis/Project
INTL 6500 Internship
INTL 6900 University Thesis Requirements
INTL ELCT International Relations Elective
INTL HIST Int'l History Substitution
INTL POLT Int'l Politics Substitution
INTL POLT SUB - Int'l Politics Cluster
INTL TOPC International Relations Sub
INTM 1600 Introduction to Interactive Media
INTM 2000 Strategic Writing for Interactive Media
INTM 2200 Visual Design for Interactive Media
INTM 2350 Digital Production Tools
INTM 2800 Storyboard Techniques for Visual Media
INTM 3050 Information Architecture
INTM 3100 Programming for Web Communications
INTM 3150 Special Topics
INTM 3200 Interface Design
INTM 3300 Animation Techniques and Practices for
INTM 3580 Delivering Digital Media
INTM 3599 Independent Study
INTM 3750 Interavtive Reporting and Producing
INTM 3850 Interactive Marketing Communications
INTM 4050 Professional Practice of Interactive Digital
INTM 4100 Programming for Web Communications 2
INTM 4300 Programming for Interactive Media 2
INTM 4620 Senior Overview
INTM 5630 Digital Design & Information Graphic
INTM 5640 Multimedia Production for Websites & Mobile
INTS 0001 International Studies sub
INTS 0003 Int'l Studies 3000 level sub
ISTL 0000 International Studies
ISTL 1000 Introduction to International Studies
ISTL 1100 Introduction to Latin American Studies
ISTL 1492 Topics in Latin American Studies
ISTL 1550 Topics in International Studies
ISTL 2450 Twentieth Century Latin America
ISTL 2500 International Field Experience in International
ISTL 2550 Topics in International Studies
ISTL 2600 Natural Systems and Sustainable Ecologies
ISTL 3500 Topics in International Studies
ISTL 3550 Advanced Topics:
ISTL 4500 Seminar in International Studies
ISTL 4510 European Studies Overview
ISTL 4610 Reading Course
ISTL 500 Int'l. Field Experience (By appt
ITAL 0000 Italian
ITAL 1090 Elementary Italian: Level I
ITAL 1091 Workshop
ITAL 1100 Elementary Italian: Level II
ITAL 1101 Workshop
ITAL 2090 Intermediate Italian: Level I
ITAL 2091 Workshop
ITAL 2100 Intermediate Italian: Level II
ITAL 2101 Workshop
ITM 000 Information Technology Management
ITM 000 ITM - Final Project
ITM 100 System and Network
ITM 200 Project Management of Information Technology
ITM 300 Procurement and Contract Management of Information
ITM 400 Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation
ITM 600 ITM Security
ITM 900 Issues in Information Technology Management
ITM 950 Travel Course- Issues in Information
JAPN 1090 Elementary Japanese: Level I
JAPN 1091 Workshop
JAPN 1100 Elementary Japanese: Level II
JAPN 1101 Workshop
JAPN 2090 Intermediate Japanese: Level I
JAPN 2091 Workshop
JAPN 2100 Intermediate Japanese: Level II
JAPN 2101 Workshop
JAPN 2610 Intermediate Japanese Reading and Writing: Level I
JAPN 2620 Intermediate Japanese Reading and Writing: Level II
JAPN 2630 Intermediate Japanese Reading and Writing: Level III
JAPN 3090 Advanced Japanese: Level I
JMNR 1010 JOUR minor sub for MEDC 1010
JOUR 1030 Fundamentals of Reporting
JOUR 1830 Broadcast Delivery and Interpretation
JOUR 1930 Sports Broadcasting
JOUR 2070 History of Broadcasting
JOUR 2110 Production Techniques
JOUR 2140 Advanced Reporting
JOUR 2170 Copyreading/News Editing
JOUR 2300 Journalism:Layout & Design
JOUR 2350 Outdoor/Nature Journalism
JOUR 2360 History and Principles of American Journalism
JOUR 2380 Free Expression and the First Amendment
JOUR 2410 Introduction to Radio-TV Journalism
JOUR 2600 Introduction to Digital Journalism
JOUR 2750 Reporting Disaster Stories
JOUR 2850 Radio-TV News Reporting
JOUR 3000 Sports Reporting
JOUR 3050 Sports Reporting
JOUR 3060 Community Reporting
JOUR 3080 Global Journalism
JOUR 3090 Covering Global Conflicts
JOUR 3120 Global Affairs Reporting
JOUR 3130 Feature Writing
JOUR 3150 Topics in Modern Media
JOUR 3190 Topics in International Journalism
JOUR 3220 Presentation of TV News
JOUR 3300 Newspaper Production Workshop
JOUR 3310 Global Journalism Production
JOUR 3580 Radio News Reporting and Production
JOUR 3590 Television News Reporting and Producing
JOUR 3599 Independent Study (Juniors or Seniors)
JOUR 3600 Online Journalism Production
JOUR 3750 Environmental Journalism and Communications
JOUR 4170 Investigative Journalism
JOUR 4200 Teaching Scholastic Publications
JOUR 4220 Advanced Global Journalism
JOUR 4250 Methods of Teaching Secondary Publications/Journalism
JOUR 4380 Magazine Journalism
JOUR 4390 Magazine Production
JOUR 4400 Business Journalism
JOUR 4500 Media Criticism for Publication
JOUR 4610 Readings in Journalism
JOUR 4620 Senior Overview
JOUR 4700 Professional Development in Journalism
JOUR 5345 News Writing and Reporting
JOUR 5350 Communications Law
JOUR 5352 Scholastic High School Publications
KAUN 3000 Japanese
KAUN 3001 Japanese (3-b)
KAUN 3010 Japanese
KAUN 3013 Japanese Culture I
KAUN 3015 Japanese History
KAUN 3020 Japanese Religion
KAUN 3050 Japanese Economy
KAUN 3200 Japanese Arts
KAUN 3201 Japanese Law
KAUN 4050 Business Japanese
KAUN 4091 Japanese Culture II
KAUN 4301 Senimar in Japanology I
KAUN 4600 Seminar in Japanology 2
KAUN 4900 Seminar in Japanology I
KEYS 4000 Keystone Seminar
KEYS 4001 Real World Survivor
KEYS 4002 Water: The World's Most Valuable Resource
KEYS 4003 Contemporary Slavery and Human Trafficking
KEYS 4004 Design for Sustainability
KEYS 4005 Global Gender Rights
KEYS 4006 Placelessness
KEYS 4007 School on a Shoestring: Educational Inequities
KEYS 4008 Leading from Where You Are
KEYS 4009 Through the Looking Glass: Discovering Identity,
KEYS 4010 The Democratic Process
KEYS 4011 Crossing Borders: Language and Power
KEYS 4012 City Life
KEYS 4013 Innovation and Creativity
KEYS 4014 Social Movements and the Impact of Technologies
KEYS 4015 Food for Thought
KEYS 4016 Business, Behavior, Health, and Society
KEYS 4017 Pedal Power
KEYS 4018 Plays and Concerts and Inks, Oh my!: Encountering Art
KEYS 4019 Art & Social Engagement: How do the Arts Impact/
KEYS 4020 Future Human:A.D. 2100
KEYS 4021 Citizen Science
KEYS 4022 Living Generously
KEYS 4023 Critical Issues in Global Health
KEYS 4024 Family Violence: A Global Perspective
LAB UB Science lab substitution
LATN 0000 Latin
LATN 1090 Elementary Latin: Level I
LATN 1100 Elementary Latin: Level II
LATN 2090 Intermediate Latin: Level I
LEAD 6000 Introduction to Educational Leadership
LEAD 6001 Foundations in Educational Leadership
LEAD 6002 School Administration and Resource Management
LEAD 6003 Instructional Leadership
LEAD 6004 Leadership and Collaboration
LEAD 6006 Advanced Internship
LEAD 6007 Topics in Educational Leadership
LEAD 6008 Foundations in Special Education Administration
LEAD 6009 Leadership Seminar
LEAD 6119 Educational Foundations of Administration
LEAD 6120 Research I
LEAD 6121 Portfolio Based Analysis
LEAD 6122 Special Education and Law
LEAD 6123 Action Research Internship Step One
LEAD 6124 Schools and Leadership Law
LEAD 6125 Building Level Administration
LEAD 6126 School Building Finance
LEAD 6127 Personnel
LEAD 6128 Facilities & Building Level Management
LEAD 6129 Curriculum
LEAD 6130 Supervision
LEAD 6131 School and Community Relations
LEAD 6132 Seminar in the Principalship:Issues and
LEAD 6133 Action Research Internship Step Two
LEAD 6134 Internship I
LEAD 6135 Internship II
LEAD 6136 Special Education Internship
LEAN 5010 Introduction to the American Legal System
LEAN 5260 Methods of Legal Research and Writing I
LEAN 5270 Methods of Legal Research & Writing II
LEAN 5510 Computers in Law
LEAN 5520 Law on the Net
LEAN 5610 Legal Aspects of Human Resources Management
LEAN 5620 Applied Legal Decision Making
LEAN 5630 Legal Aspects of Inter-Cultural Management
LEAN 5640 Legal Aspects of Managing Technology
LEAN 6000 Integrated Law Project
LEGE 1000 Departmental Elective
LEGL 2080 Topics in Law
LEGL 2400 Introduction to Law
LEGL 3000 Legal Ethics
LEGL 3490 Civil Litigation
LEGL 3500 Criminal Litigation
LEGL 4460 Methods of Legal Research and Writing I
LEGL 4470 Methods of Legal Research and Writing II
LEGL 4480 Computerized Legal Research
LEGL 4490 Advanced Paralegal Procedures
LEGL 4600 Legal Studies Seminar
LEGL 4601 International Trials: An International & Informed
LEGL 4602 International Criminal Law: A Human Rights Perspective
LEGL 4603 International Issues Related to Women and Children
LEGL 4604 International Juriprudence and Law
LEGL 4605 Constitutional and International Issues:Human Trafficking and
LEGL 4606 International Law and the Environment
LEGL 4607 The Hague:Peacemaking Catalyst in International Conflict
LEGL 4608 Collison Course:A Critical Approach
LEGL 4800 Advanced Topics in Law
LEGL 4810 Tort Law Practice
LEGL 4820 Contract Law Practice
LEGL 4830 Real Estate Law Practice
LEGL 4840 Corporations and Business Organizations
LEGL 4850 Computers and the Law
LEGL 4900 Paralegal Clinical Studies
LEGL 4910 Senior Overview
LEGL 5000
LEGL 5000 Introduction to Legal Studies
LEGL 5100 Jurisprudence
LEGL 5200 Legal Analysis & Documentation
LEGL 5260 Methods of Legal Research and Writing I
LEGL 5270 Methods of Legal Research and Writing II
LEGL 5300 Ethics for the Legal Professional
LEGL 5400 Anglo-American Legal History
LEGL 5450 American Constitutional Law
LEGL 5470 Civil Actions
LEGL 5480 Criminal Actions
LEGL 5490 Advanced Topics of Law
LEGL 5500 Professional Seminars
LEGL 5501 International Trials: An International and
LEGL 5502 International Criminal Law:A Human Rights
LEGL 5502 International Criminal Law:A Human Rights
LEGL 5503 International Issues Related to Women and
LEGL 5504 International Jurisprudence and Law
LEGL 5505 Constitutional and International Issues:Human Trafficking and
LEGL 5506 International Law and the Environment
LEGL 5507 The Hague:Peacemaking Catalyst in International Conflict
LEGL 5508 Collison Course: A Critical Approach
LEGL 5550 Paralegal Clinical Studies
LEGL 5560 Practice Before the Patent and Trademark Office
LEGL 5700 Computer Applications in the Legal Environment
LEGL 5800 Computerized Legal Research
LEGL 5850 Advanced Legal Writing
LEGL 5905 Intellectual Property Law for Paralegals
LEGL 5925 Patent and Trademark Law for Paralegals
LEGL 5945 Copyright and Trade Secret Law of Paralegals
LEGL 5965 Computerized Intellectual Proprty Research for
LEGL 6000 Research and Writing Project
LEGL 6010 Integrated Law Project
LEGL 6250 Thesis/Project
LEGL TOPC Legal Topics course
LEGM 5010 Introduction to the American Legal System
LEGM 5200 Legal Analysis and Documentation
LEGM 5460 Legal Actions
LEGM 5700 Computer Appllications in the Legal Environment
LEGM 6010 Integrated Law Project
LIBR 5010 Scholarship & Research
LITR SUB Literature substitution
LTLN 0000 Literature & Language
LTRG 0001 Sub Eden Seminary Liturgy Crs
MATH 0000 Mathematics
MATH 1010 Fundamentals of Mathematics
MATH 1050 Basic Algebra
MATH 1100 Math Tutoring
MATH 1200 Topics in Mathematics
MATH 1360 Business Mathematics
MATH 1370 Business Applications of Algebra
MATH 1410 Introductory College Mathematics
MATH 1420 Modular Algebra
MATH 1430 College Algebra
MATH 1440 Trigonometry
MATH 1470 Survey of Calculus
MATH 1490 Finite Mathematics
MATH 1580 Formal Logic
MATH 1600 Calculus I Lab
MATH 1610 Calculus I
MATH 1620 Calculus II
MATH 1630 Calculus II Lab
MATH 2200 Statistics
MATH 2450 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
MATH 2500 Calculus III Lab
MATH 3000 Calculus III
MATH 3010 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 3020 Numerical Analysis
MATH 3030 Theory of Equations
MATH 3040 Differential Equations
MATH 3050 History of Mathematics
MATH 3070 Calculus IV
MATH 3090 Advanced Topics
MATH 3130 Real Number System
MATH 3160 Linear Algebra
MATH 3210 Data Mining Foundations
MATH 3220 Data Mining Methods
MATH 3300 Introduction to Number Theory
MATH 3500 Introduction to Algebraic Structures
MATH 3510 Vector Geometry
MATH 3530 Modern Geometry
MATH 3610 Probability
MATH 4010 Abstract Algebra
MATH 4110 Introduction to Analysis
MATH 4500 Applications of Mathematics
MBA 5010 Value Creation
MBA 5020 Quantitative Methods for the MBA
MBA 5030 Market Analysis and Business Planning
MBA 5100 Adding Value through Human Capital
MBA 5200 The Financial Value of Capital Projects
MBA 5300 Providing Value to Customers
MBA 5400 The Supply Chain and Business Processes
MBA 5500 Information Support for Decision Making
MBA 5910 Cases in Value Creation
MBA 5920 Walker Consulting Project: Adding Value to Organizations
MCEL 1000 Media Comm Elective sub
MCEL 3000 Media Comm Elective-Upper level
MCEL 5000 Media Comm Elective-Graduate
MDST 0100 Portfolio Review
MDST 1010 Media Foundations
MDST 1050 Media Writing
MDST 1160 Communication for Media Professionals
MDST 2100 Media Literacy
MDST 2200 Ethics in the Media
MDST 2500 Professional Development for Media Careers
MDST 2800 Media, Diversity and Society
MDST 3100 Social Media Strategies & Tactics
MDST 3150 Topics
MDST 3260 Global Media Practice
MDST 3300 Media Law, Ethics and Policy
MDST 3599 Independent Study (Juniors or Seniors)
MDST 3700 Topics in International Communications
MDST 4110 Media and Digital Culture
MDST 4200 Media Research
MDST 4500 Political Communications
MDST 4620 Media Practicum/Thesis
MDST 4950 Internship
MEDC 0100 Portfolio Review
MEDC 1500 Applied Media Aesthetics
MEDC 2490 Media Externship
MEDC 2630 Studies in Media Literacy
MEDC 3099 Independent Study
MEDC 3190 Introduction to Media Research
MEDC 3350 Media Design
MEDC 3800 Studies in Cultural Diversity
MEDC 3850 Television:A Critical Study
MEDC 3900 Topics in Media Literacy
MEDC 4190 Media Research Methodologies
MEDC 4220 Genre Studies
MEDC 4440 Patterns of Ownership in Media
MEDC 4490 Media Externship
MEDC 4500 Political Communications
MEDC 4550 Interactive Media
MEDC 4600 Senior Seminar in Media Literacy
MEDC 4610 Readings in Media Studies
MEDC 4850 Seminar in Media Studies
MEDC 4950 Internship
MEDC 5000 Media Communications
MEDC 5010 Introduction to Graduate Studies: Advanced Thinking
MEDC 5200 Directed Studies in Media Communications
MEDC 5290 Issues in Media Communications
MEDC 5300 Strategic Communications
MEDC 5310 Media and Culture
MEDC 5345 Writing for Media Communications Journalism
MEDC 5346 Writing for Media Communication: Interactive Scriptwriting
MEDC 5350 Media Organization & Regulations
MEDC 5360 International Communications
MEDC 5370 International Media Literacy
MEDC 5390 Practicum
MEDC 5400 Media Production Management
MEDC 5401 Media Production Management: Interactive
MEDC 5430 Media Communications Technology
MEDC 5460 Media Research
MEDC 5480 Comparative Approaches to Media Literacy
MEDC 5500 Professional Seminars
MEDC 5550 Topics in Media Communications
MEDC 5600 Introduction to Interactive Communications
MEDC 5625 Conceptual Design for Interactive Communications
MEDC 5631 Interactive Media Applied to the Internet
MEDC 5710 Writing for Latino Media Outlets
MEDC 5715 Analyzing the Latino Media Market
MEDC 5720 Latin America Issues & Media Production
MEDC 5725 Media & Communications in Latin America
MEDC 5981 Integrated Studies in Media Literacy
MEDC 5985 Media Literacy Fieldwork
MEDC 6000 Seminar in Media Comunications
MEDC 6250 Thesis/Project
MINR 1000 Sub for EPMD 1000
MINR 1010 Minor sub for MEDC 1010
MINR 1020 Minor sub for MEDC 1020
MINR 1050 Minor sub for MEDC 1050
MINR 1110 Minor sub for ART 1110
MINR 1210 Minor sub for DESN 1210
MINR 1800 Minor sub for FLST 1800
MINR 2050 Minor sub for FLST 2050
MINR 2060 Minor sub for FLST 2060
MINR 2160 Minor sub for FLST 2160
MINR 2920 Minor sub for PBRL 2920
MINR 3160 Minor sub for FLST 3160
MINR 3510 Minor sub for MNGT 3510
MLIT ELCT Media Lit Elective-Graduate
MLSC 1010 Introduction to Leadership I
MLSC 1020 Introduction to Leadership II
MLSC 2010 Innovative Team Leadership
MLSC 2020 Foundations of Tactical Leadership
MLSC 3010 Adaptive Team Leadership
MLSC 3020 Applied Team Leadership
MLSC 4010 Adaptive Leadership
MLSC 4020 Leadership in a Complex World
MLSC 4030 Advanced Military Science
MNEL 1000 Management Elective sub
MNEL 3000 Management Elect Upper-level sub
MNGT 2000 Foundations for Business Success
MNGT 2100 Management Theory and Practices
MNGT 2150 Business Ethics
MNGT 2280 Introduction to Business Law
MNGT 2340 History of American Business and Management
MNGT 2400 Supervisory Management
MNGT 2500 Marketing
MNGT 2600 Innovation through Social Impact Organizations
MNGT 2700 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
MNGT 2900 Human Communications
MNGT 3100 Issues in Management
MNGT 3150 Consumer Behavior
MNGT 3200 Total Quality Management
MNGT 3320 Business Law:International
MNGT 3400 Human Resource Management
MNGT 3420 Labor-Management Relations
MNGT 3440 Stress Management
MNGT 3450 Principles of Organizational Behavior
MNGT 3470 Women in Management
MNGT 3510 Management of Integrated Marketing Communications
MNGT 3540 Digital Marketing
MNGT 3550 Public Relations
MNGT 3580 Professional Selling
MNGT 3600 Management in the Arts
MNGT 3690 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
MNGT 3720 Entrepreneurial Marketing
MNGT 3730 Innovation, Creativity and the Entrepreneur
MNGT 3740 Global Entrepreneurship
MNGT 3741 Social Entrepreneurship
MNGT 3790 Entrepreneurship Consulting
MNGT 3800 Health Care Organizations
MNGT 3820 Health Care Administration
MNGT 3840 Health Care Budgeting and Finance
MNGT 3860 Social and Economic Issues in Health Care
MNGT 4100 International Management
MNGT 4330 International Marketing
MNGT 4400 Employment Law and Compliance
MNGT 4420 Compensation and Benefits
MNGT 4510 Advanced Advertising
MNGT 4550 Marketing Management
MNGT 4570 Marketing Research
MNGT 4600 Contemporary Human Resource Management Strategies
MNGT 4610 Reading Course
MNGT 4800 Health Care Law
MNGT 4850 Health Care Administration Overview
MNGT 4900 Managerial Policies and Strategies
MNGT 4920 Marketing Strategies
MNGT 4940 Global Competitive Strategies
MNGT 4950 Internship
MNGT 4960 Entrepreneurship Capstone
MNGT 4970 Senior Thesis
MNGT 4990 Entrepreneurship Practicum
MNGT 5000 Management
MNGT 5300 American Business and Management
MNGT 5500 Professional Seminars
MNGT 5590 Organizational Behavior
MNGT 5650 Management and Strategy
MNGT 5670 Managerial Leadership
MNGT 5710 Cross Cultural Management
MNGT 5870 Issues in Management
MNGT 5870 Travel Course - Issues in Management
MNGT 5910 Ethical and Legal Issues in Management
MNGT 5950 The Woman Manager
MNGT 5960 Corporate Budgeting and Control
MNGT 5990 Corporate Responsibility and Society
MNGT 6000 Integrated Studies in Management
MNGT 6250 Thesis/Project
MNGT 6500 Internship
MNGT 9950 Travel Course- Issues in Management
MRKT 5000 Foundations of Marketing Strategic Thinking
MRKT 5500 Professional Seminars
MRKT 5550 Sales Management
MRKT 5570 Marketing in Electronic Commerce
MRKT 5610 Marketing Channel Management
MRKT 5720 Promotional Management
MRKT 5730 International Marketing
MRKT 5740 Management of Digital Marketing
MRKT 5750 Management of Social Media
MRKT 5750 Management of Social Media
MRKT 5790 Digital Marketing Strategy
MRKT 5850 Marketing Research
MRKT 5890 Marketing Statistics
MRKT 5895 Marketing Analytics
MRKT 5900 Marketing in Electronic Commerce
MRKT 5910 Pricing Strategies
MRKT 5950 Consumer Behavior
MRKT 5960 Marketing Management
MRKT 5990 Strategic Market Planning
MRKT 6000 Integrated Studies in Marketing
MRKT 6250 Thesis/Project
MRKT 6500 Internship
MRKT 9950 Travel Course- Issues in Marketing
MSUB 1000 Media substitution
MTHC 5040 Number Theory
MTHC 5080 Puzzles and Proofs
MTHC 5100 Functions and Structure
MTHC 5110 Perspectives in Elementary Geometry
MTHC 5120 Topics for the Middle School Teacher
MTHC 5130 Probability and Graphs
MTHC 5150 Number Systems
MTHC 5200 Independent Study
MTHC 5210 In-Service Education
MTHC 5230 Discrete Mathematics
MTHC 5240 Elementary Applications of Matrices
MTHC 5250 Vector Geometry
MTHC 5260 Algebra for Secondary Teachers
MTHC 5270 Elementary Functions
MTHC 5280 Calculus for Teachers
MTHC 5290 Non-Euclidean Geometry
MTHC 5300 History of Mathematics
MTHC 5310 Geometry for Secondary Teachers
MTHC 5320 Topics in Mathematics
MTHC 5330 Probability
MTHC 5340 Topics in Mathematics Education
MTHC 5350 Logic
MTHC 5360 Algebraic Structures
MTHC 5370 Linear Algebra
MTHC 5390 Statistics
MTHC 5410 In-Service Topics
MTHC 5430 The Real Number System
MTHC 5450 Topics in Number Theory
MTHC 5480 Problem-Solving Strategies in Mathematics
MTHC 5500 Studies in Mathematics
MTHC 5900 Final Reflections
MTHT 1300 Mathematics for Teachers I
MTHT 1350 Mathematics for Teachers II
MTHT 4310 Elementary-School Mathematics Methods
MTHT 4320 Differentiated Mathematics Instruction
MTHT 4450 Middle-School Mathematics Methods
MTHT 4460 Secondary Mathematics Methods
MUDC 5530 Kodaly Music-Making and Material I
MULC 0000 Multicultural Studies
MULC 1100 Introduction to Multicultural Studies
MULC 2000 Topics in Multicultural Studies
MULC 4650 Seminar in Multicultural Studies
MULC 4900 Independent Research Project
MUSC 0000 Music
MUSC 0200 Candidacy Examination
MUSC 0300 Junior Recital
MUSC 0400 Senior Recital
MUSC 0500 Senior Overview
MUSC 0600 Senior Project
MUSC 0790 Piano Proficiency
MUSC 0890 Recital Attendance
MUSC 0990 Master Class
MUSC 1000 Fundamentals of Musicianship
MUSC 1001 1001: A Musical Odyssey
MUSC 1010 Music Theory I
MUSC 1015 Music Theory for Musical Theathre
MUSC 1020 Music Theory II
MUSC 1050 Introduction to Music Appreciation
MUSC 1051 The Sound of Surprise:An Introduction to American
MUSC 1052 History of Rock and Roll
MUSC 1070 Topics in Music
MUSC 1071 Interdisciplinary Topics in Music
MUSC 1072 Crossroads in the Musics of the World
MUSC 1080 Beginning Class Piano
MUSC 1085 Intermediate Class Piano
MUSC 1090 Beginning Guitar Class
MUSC 1095 Intermediate Guitar Class
MUSC 1370 Jazz Theory I
MUSC 1380 Jazz Theory II
MUSC 1800 Basic Musicianship for Musical Theatre Majors
MUSC 1810 Musicianship I
MUSC 1820 Musicianship II
MUSC 1910 Musicianship I - Musical Theatre
MUSC 1920 Musicianship II - Musical Theatre
MUSC 2000 Applied Music: Secondary and Non-Major
MUSC 2001 Applied Music: Secondary and Non-Major Piano
MUSC 2002 Applied Music: Secondary and Non-Major Voice
MUSC 2003 Âpplied Music: Applied Jazz
MUSC 2004 Applied Instrument
MUSC 2010 Music Theory III
MUSC 2020 Music Theory IV
MUSC 2030 Survey of Music History I
MUSC 2040 Survey of Music History II
MUSC 2085 Piano Proficiency Practicum
MUSC 2121 Brass Methods
MUSC 2122 Woodwind Methods
MUSC 2123 String Methods
MUSC 2124 Percussion Methods
MUSC 2125 Playing Folk Instruments
MUSC 2126 Class Voice
MUSC 2126 Class Voice
MUSC 2127 Vocal Diction Practicum
MUSC 2200 Introduction to Music Education
MUSC 2300 Jazz Improvisation I
MUSC 2305 Jazz Improvisation II
MUSC 2310 Jazz Improvisatn III
MUSC 2315 Jazz Improvisation IV
MUSC 2370 Jazz Theory III
MUSC 2375 Jazz Theory IV
MUSC 2380 Jazz Theory V
MUSC 2385 Jazz Theory VI
MUSC 2500 Applied Music: Secondary and Non-Major
MUSC 2501 Applied Music: Secondary and Non-Major Piano
MUSC 2502 Applied Music: Secondary and Non-Major Voice
MUSC 2810 Musicianship III
MUSC 2820 Musicianship IV
MUSC 2910 Applied Musicianship for Musical Theatre
MUSC 2920 Musicianship IV - Musical Theatre
MUSC 3002 Applied Voice
MUSC 3003 Applied Music: Jazz Studies
MUSC 3004 Applied Music:Instrumental Studies
MUSC 3010 Composition
MUSC 3020 Composition
MUSC 3050 Music Software Applications
MUSC 3070 Orchestration I
MUSC 3080 Orchestration II
MUSC 3170 Jazz History I
MUSC 3180 Jazz History II
MUSC 3210 Elementary School Music Methods
MUSC 3220 Behavior Management in the Music Classroom
MUSC 3230 Secondary Choral/General Music Methods
MUSC 3240 Teaching Reading in the Music Classroom
MUSC 3300 Jazz Improvisation V
MUSC 3310 Jazz Improvisation VI
MUSC 3410 Conducting I
MUSC 3420 Advanced Instrumental Conducting
MUSC 3430 Advanced Choral Conducting and
MUSC 3510 Arranging for Popular Styles
MUSC 3520 History of Popular Styles
MUSC 3530 Lyric Writing
MUSC 4001 Applied Music:Piano
MUSC 4002 Applied Music:Voice
MUSC 4003 Applied Music:Jazz Studies
MUSC 4004 Applied Music:Instrumental Studies
MUSC 4005 Applied Music:Organ
MUSC 4006 Applied Conducting
MUSC 4010 Composition
MUSC 4020 Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint
MUSC 4030 Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint
MUSC 4040 Music of the Twentieth Century
MUSC 4070 Choral Arranging
MUSC 4080 Secondary Choral Methods and Literature
MUSC 4110 Hymnody and Psalmody
MUSC 4120 Piano Accompanying
MUSC 4140 Lyric Diction
MUSC 4150 The Art Song
MUSC 4160 Operatic Literature
MUSC 4170 Piano Literature I
MUSC 4175 Piano Literature II
MUSC 4180 Piano Literature III
MUSC 4190 Orchestral Literature
MUSC 4200 Twentieth-Century Seminar
MUSC 4220 Instrumental Music Methods
MUSC 4250 Voice Pedagogy I
MUSC 4255 Voice Pedagogy II
MUSC 4260 Piano Pedagogy I
MUSC 4270 Piano Pedagogy II
MUSC 4320 Jazz Education Methods
MUSC 4340 Jazz Scoring and Arranging I
MUSC 4350 Jazz Scoring and Arranging II
MUSC 4360 Survey of Music Business
MUSC 4370 Marketing for Musicians
MUSC 4610 Reading Course
MUSC 4611 Senior Thesis
MUSC 4612 Writing About Music
MUSC 4613 Speaking About Music
MUSC 4614 Music Research
MUSC 4650 Advanced MIDI Applications: Film Scoring
MUSC 4700 Advanced Topics in Music
MUSC 4705 The Vienna Musical Experience
MUSC 4710 Practicum in Music Directing
MUSC 4800 Advanced Topics
MUSC 4810 Advanced Aural Skills I
MUSC 4820 Advanced Aural Skills II
MUSC 4900 Webster University Concert Choir
MUSC 4910 Webster University Chamber Singers
MUSC 4920 Webster University Choral Society
MUSC 4930 Camerata Singers
MUSC 4940 Webster University Orchestra
MUSC 4950 Chamber Music
MUSC 4960 Jazz Ensemble
MUSC 4970 Webster University Jazz Collective
MUSC 4980 Wind Ensemble
MUSC 4990 Opera Studio
MUSC 5000 Applied Music
MUSC 5010 Composition
MUSC 5020 Foundations and Principles of Music Education
MUSC 5100 Analytical Techniques
MUSC 5110 Analytical Techniques II
MUSC 5120 Seminar in Music Literature I
MUSC 5130 Seminar in Music Literature II
MUSC 5140 Audition Techniques and Literature
MUSC 5200 Independent Study
MUSC 5230 Seminar in Professional Music Business
MUSC 5310 Piano Technique
MUSC 5320 Advanced Instrumental Conducting
MUSC 5330 Advanced Choral Conducting
MUSC 5410 Orff, Level I
MUSC 5420 Orff, Level II
MUSC 5430 Orff, Level III
MUSC 5440 Pedagogy in the Orff Classroom
MUSC 5450 Arranging and Composing for the Orff Teacher
MUSC 5460 Curriculum Design
MUSC 5480 Curriculm Development for the Orff Approach
MUSC 5490 Integrating World Musics into the Curriculm
MUSC 5500 Music Education Workshops
MUSC 5510 Kodaly Musicianship I
MUSC 5520 Kodaly Pedagogy I
MUSC 5530 Kodaly Music-Making I
MUSC 5540 Kodaly Musicianship II
MUSC 5550 Kodaly Pedgogy II
MUSC 5560 Kodaly Music-Making & Materials II
MUSC 5570 Kodaly Muscianship III
MUSC 5580 Kodaly Pedagogy III
MUSC 5590 Kodaly Music-Making III
MUSC 5610 Kodaly Materials I
MUSC 5620 Kodaly Materials II
MUSC 5630 Kodaly Materials III
MUSC 5800 Advanced Studies in Music
MUSC 5900 Supervised Apprenticeship
MUSC 6250 Thesis/Document in Music
MUTH 1030 History of American Musical Theatre
MUTH 2410 Musical Theatre Dance Styles I
MUTH 2420 Musical Theatre Dance Styles I
MUTH 3010 Conservatory III
MUTH 3020 Conservatory III
MUTH 3030 Shakespeare Text/British Dialects
MUTH 3040 Period Styles Movement
MUTH 3050 Stage Dialects
MUTH 3060 Third Year Movement:Mask Study
MUTH 3410 Musical Theatre Dance Styles II
MUTH 3420 Musical Theatre Dance Styles II
MUTH 4010 Conservatory IV
MUTH 4020 Conservatory IV
MUTH 4030 Voice and Speech
MUTH 4040 T'ai Chi
MUTH 4050 Voice and Speech
MUTH 4060 Stage Combat
MUWS 4025 Hymnody and Psalmody
NPLR 5000 Nonprofit Organizations
NPLR 5010 Governance and Executive Leadership in Nonprofits
NPLR 5020 Essentials of Marketing and Resource Development
NPLR 5210 Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship
NPLR 5710 Contemporary Issues in Nonprofits
NPLR 5810 Alliances, Partnerships and Mergers Among
NPLR 5910 Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation in
NPLR 6210 Integrated Studies in Nonprofit Leadership
NPRO 5000 New Media Tools
NPRO 5100 Written Storytelling
NPRO 5200 Audio Storytelling
NPRO 5300 Visual Storytelling
NPRO 5650 Special Topics in New Media Production
NPRO 5900 New Media Project Production
NPRO 6000 New Media Thesis Project
NURN 5000 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing
NURN 5050 Policy and Politics in Nursing
NURN 5210 Instructional Methods in Nursing
NURN 5220 Curriculum Development & Eval
NURN 5230 Teaching Practicum in Nursing
NURN 5240 Teaching Practicum in Nursing II
NURN 5330 Pharmacology for Advanced Nursing Practice
NURN 5340 Population Health I
NURN 5350 Population Health II
NURN 5360 Organization and Systems Leadership
NURN 5370 Quality and Safety in Health Care
NURN 5380 Pathophysiology Pharmacology, and Advanced
NURN 5390 Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and
NURN 5410 Leadership in Nursing
NURN 5420 Financial Issues for Nurse Leade
NURN 5440 Leadership in Nursing Practicum I
NURN 5450 Leadeship in Nursing PracticumII
NURN 5500 Professional Seminars
NURN 5550 Advanced Research in Nursing
NURN 5830 Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and
NURN 5970 Teaching Practicum in Nursing
NURN 5990 Advanced Studies in Nursing
NURN 6000 Integrated Studies in Nursing
NURS 1010 Lower Division Nursing Credit Award
NURS 3010 Concepts of Professional Nursing
NURS 3020 Health Assessment
NURS 3030 Communication & Information Literacy
NURS 3270 Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
NURS 3400 Health Education in Nursing Practice
NURS 3410 Family Health Promotion
NURS 3420 Group Process in Nursing
NURS 3500 Issues in Women's Health
NURS 3600 Topics in Nursing
NURS 3830 Images of Nursing
NURS 4060 Gerontology
NURS 4240 Nursing Leadership & Management
NURS 4250 Community Health Nursing
NURS 4600 Advanced Seminar in Nursing
NURS 4610 Advanced Readings in Nursing
ORFF 0601 Orff for the Young People
OTHR LANG Language sub
OURS : &DBQ Applied Business Statistics
PADM 5000 Public Administration
PADM 5820 Planning and Evaluation
PADM 5830 Administrative Law and Processes
PADM 5840 Budgetary Theory and Analysis
PADM 5850 Research and Assessment in Public Administration
PADM 5870 Public Personnel Management
PADM 5880 Issues in Public Administration
PADM 5890 Public Policy and Administration
PADM 6000 Integrated Studies in Public Administration
PADM 6250 Thesis/Project
PADM 6500 Internship
PADM 9950 Travel Course- Issues in Procurement &
PATA 5100 Patent Law
PATA 5110 Patent Research and Writing
PATA 5120 Foundations of Intellectual Property Law
PATA 5200 Patent Drafting
PATA 5210 Patent Prosecution
PATA 5300 Patent Office Ethics
PATA 5310 Patent Law Regulations, Procedures, and Ethics
PATA 5400 Patent Litigation in the Federal Circuit
PATA 5500 Global Intellectual Property Law
PATA 5510 Copyright and Trade Secret Law
PATA 5520 Trademark Law
PATA 5530 Ownership, Licensing, and Transfer of Intellectual
PATA 5540 Computerized Patent Searching and Patentability
PATA 6000 Integrated Practices in Patent Agency
PBME PBRL minor substitution
PBRL 1010 Fundamentals of Strategic Communications and Public
PBRL 2400 New Media Messaging
PBRL 2800 Organizational Internal Communications
PBRL 2920 Writing for Public Relations
PBRL 3150 Topics
PBRL 3500 Public Relations Research
PBRL 3599 Independent Study (Juniors or Seniors)
PBRL 3600 Public Relations Case Studies, U.S. and Global
PBRL 3920 Public Information Production
PBRL 4050 Special Events
PBRL 4250 Media Relations
PBRL 4300 Crisis Communications and Issues Management
PBRL 4500 Health Communication
PBRL 4610 Readings in Public Relations
PBRL 4620 Senior Overview
PBRL 4700 Professional Development in Public Relations
PBRL 4920 Public Relations Campaign
PBRL 4960 Global Strategic Communication Campaigns
PBRL 5322 Public Relations
PBRL 5323 Organizational Communications
PBRL 5342 Writing for Public Relations
PBRL 5344 Speechwriting
PBRL 5380 Strategic Communication Applications
PBRL 5451 Communication Strategies for Investors and Financial
PBRL 5452 Communication Strategies for Public Affairs and Government
PBRL 5453 Communication Strategies for Non-Profit Organizations
PBRL 5465 Crisis Management Communications
PBRL 5550 Topics in Public Relations
PBRL 5770 Multinational Public Relations
PHIL 0000 Philosophy
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1010 Introduction to Critical Thinking
PHIL 1200 The Meaning of Life
PHIL 2000 Making Decisions
PHIL 2010 Informal Logic
PHIL 2020 Formal Logic
PHIL 2050 Philosophy of Education
PHIL 2080 Topics in Philosophy
PHIL 2110 Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 2200 Philosophy of Happiness
PHIL 2300 Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 2310 Introduction to Scientific Understanding
PHIL 2320 Contemporary Moral Problems
PHIL 2330 Philosophy and Technology
PHIL 2340 Bioethics
PHIL 2350 Introduction to the Philosophy of Leadership and Management
PHIL 2360 Environmental Ethics
PHIL 2370 Feminist and Gender Theory
PHIL 2390 Philosophy of Sex and Love
PHIL 2400 Human Rights and Animal Rights
PHIL 2510 The First Philosophers
PHIL 2520 Philosophic Classics:Early Modern Europe
PHIL 2525 The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment
PHIL 2540 American Philosophy
PHIL 2550 Existentialism
PHIL 2580 African America Philosophy
PHIL 2610 Intermediate Reading
PHIL 3000 Proseminar
PHIL 3080 Current Topics in Philosophy
PHIL 3100 Literature and Philosophy
PHIL 3110 Philosophy and Film
PHIL 3120 Philosophy and Art
PHIL 3200 Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 3220 Transforming the Self
PHIL 3300 Theory of Knowledge
PHIL 3310 Philosophy of Science
PHIL 3320 Continental Philosophy
PHIL 3340 Global Ethics
PHIL 3350 Philosophical Ethics
PHIL 3360 Global Information Ethics
PHIL 3370 Feminist Philosophy
PHIL 3371 Feminist Philosophy and Technology
PHIL 3372 Feminist Philosophy:The Second Sex:" The Philosophy and
PHIL 3380 Ethics in Social Research
PHIL 3400 Human Rights and the Environment
PHIL 3420 Philosophy of Race and Ethnicity
PHIL 3590 Theories of Human Rights
PHIL 3650 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 4050 Topics in the History of Philosophy
PHIL 4450 Internship
PHIL 4600 Capstone
PHIL 4610 Reading Course
PHOT 0100 Photography Portfolio Review
PHOT 1000 Photo I
PHOT 1010 Digital Basic Photography
PHOT 2000 Photo II
PHOT 2040 History of Photography
PHOT 2170 Photographic Science
PHOT 2500 Photojournalism
PHOT 2870 International Photojournalism
PHOT 3000 Color Photography
PHOT 3040 Readings
PHOT 3120 Studio Photography and Lighting
PHOT 3180 Topics in Scientific Photography
PHOT 3190 Digital Photographic Imaging
PHOT 3195 Digital Photo Imaging II
PHOT 3599 Independent Study
PHOT 3760 Topics in Editorial Photography
PHOT 4000 Photo Workshop
PHOT 4010 Photography Gallery Management
PHOT 4020 The Focused Portfolio and Self-Promotion
PHOT 4030 Topics in Studio Photography
PHOT 4190 Topics in Digital Imaging
PHOT 4200 Topics in Color
PHOT 4610 Readings in Photography
PHOT 4620 Senior Overview
PHOT 4700 Professional Development in Photography
PHOT 4730 Landscape Photography
PHOT 4870 Advanced Photojournalism
PHOT 5060 Digital Images & Storytelling
PHOT ELCT Photo elective
PHOT ELCT2 Photo elective 2000 level
PHYS Physics
PHYS 1041 General Physics II:Lab
PHYS 1710 College Physics I
PHYS 1711 College Physics I: Lab
PHYS 1720 College Physics II
PHYS 1721 College Physics II: Lab
PHYS 2030 University Physics I
PHYS 2031 University Physics I:Lab
PHYS 2040 University Physics II
PHYS 2041 University Physics II:Lab
PHYS 4700 Independent Research in Physics I
PHYS 4710 Independent Research in Physics II
PHYS 5500 Physics for Anesthesia
POLA 1000 POLT SUB w/Amer sub-title
POLA 3000 POLT SUB (UPPER) w/Amer sub-titl
POLT 0000 Political Science
POLT 1000 Topics in Politics
POLT 1050 Introduction to International Relations
POLT 1060 Introduction to American Politics
POLT 1070 Introduction to Political Theory
POLT 1080 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLT 1550 Introduction to Political Argumentation and Debate
POLT 1750 State and Local Government
POLT 2050 Contemporary American Politics
POLT 2060 Politics and Gender
POLT 2070 Politics of Race & Ethnicity
POLT 2090 Issues in Political Science
POLT 2100 Model UN
POLT 2250 Politics in the Industrialized World
POLT 2400 Introduction to Law
POLT 2500 Interdisciplinary Approach to Politics
POLT 2550 Politics of the Developing World
POLT 2600 Research Methods & Approaches in Political Science
POLT 2610 Reading Course:Introductory
POLT 3010 American Constitutional Law
POLT 3020 Civil Liberties and the Law
POLT 3310 Conduct of Foreign Policy
POLT 3320 American National Institutions
POLT 3330 Judicial Politics
POLT 3400 Comparative Politics
POLT 3550 Competitive Political Argumentation and Debate
POLT 3590 Theories of Human Rights
POLT 3650 Internship
POLT 4000 Research Requirement
POLT 4100 Advanced Studies in International Politics
POLT 4200 Advanced Studies in Political Theory
POLT 4300 Advanced Studies in American Politics
POLT 4350 Advanced Studies in Judicial Politics
POLT 4400 Advanced Studies in Comparative Politics
POLT 4600 Political Science Seminar
POLT 4610 Reading Course:Advanced
POLT 4620 Overview
POLT 4700 Senior Thesis
PROC 5000 Procurement and Acquisitions Management
PROC 5220 Systems Procurement and Project Management
PROC 5270 Acquisitions Management
PROC 5810 Acquisitions Law
PROC 5820 Operations Management
PROC 5830 Pricing
PROC 5840 Negotiations
PROC 5850 Logistics
PROC 5860 Government Contracting
PROC 5870 Pricing and Contract Integration
PROC 5880 Issues in Procurement and Acquisitions
PROC 5890 Government Procurement Law
PROC 6000 Integrated Studies in Procurement and Acquisitions
PROC 6250 Thesis/Project
PROC 6500 Internship
PROC 9950 Travel Course- Procurement and Acquisition
PROD 1000 Media Production Substitution
PROD CERT Certificate Production Sub
PSCI SUB Physical/Earth Science sub
PSML 5590 Ehtics and Social Responsibiliti es
PSML 6000 Practical Appication in Professi onal Management and Leadership
PSYC 0000 Psychology
PSYC 1000 Learning Strategies
PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 1200 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 1500 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 1800 Careers in Psychology
PSYC 2000 Issues in Contemporary Psychology
PSYC 2150 Psychology of Sleep
PSYC 2200 Child Psychology
PSYC 2250 Adolescent Psychology
PSYC 2300 Lifespan Development
PSYC 2400 Educational Psychology
PSYC 2450 Psychology of Interpersonal Communication
PSYC 2475 Topics in Sex and Gender
PSYC 2520 Nonverbal Behavior
PSYC 2525 Intro to Social Work
PSYC 2600 Social Influence and Persuasion
PSYC 2625 Methods of Conflict Resolution
PSYC 2650 Nonverbal Behavior
PSYC 2700 Psychology and Women
PSYC 2750 Introduction to Measurement and Statistics
PSYC 2825 Introduction to Research Methods
PSYC 2850 Psychology of Peace and Conflict
PSYC 2900 Community Practicum
PSYC 2950 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
PSYC 3000 Topics in Psychology
PSYC 3025 Psychology and Ethics
PSYC 3075 Stress Management
PSYC 3125 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 3150 Positive Psychology
PSYC 3175 Community Psychology
PSYC 3225 Holocaust
PSYC 3275 Genocide
PSYC 3300 Psychology of Religion
PSYC 3325 Applied Learning Theory
PSYC 3350 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 3425 Juvenile Delinquency
PSYC 3450 Psychology and Law
PSYC 3475 International Psychology
PSYC 3525 Memory
PSYC 3550 History, Philosophy and Systems of Psychology
PSYC 3573 Organizational Behavior
PSYC 3575 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
PSYC 3600 Social Psychology
PSYC 3610 Independent Reading Course
PSYC 3625 Motivation and Emotion
PSYC 3650 Prejudice and Discrimination
PSYC 3700 Altruism and Aggression
PSYC 3725 Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making
PSYC 3775 Personality Theory
PSYC 3850 Sensation and Perception
PSYC 3875 Psychology Lab
PSYC 3900 Introduction to Counseling
PSYC 4000 Advanced Studies in Psychology
PSYC 4150 Political Psychology
PSYC 4225 Introduction to the Helping Professions
PSYC 4300 Health Psychology
PSYC 4375 Evolutionary Psychology
PSYC 4400 Human Sexuality
PSYC 4550 Drug and Chemical Dependency
PSYC 4610 Advanced Independent Reading Course
PSYC 4650 Biopsychology
PSYC 4700 Psychological Tests and Measurement
PSYC 4750 Advanced Statistics
PSYC 4825 Senior Thesis
PSYC 4875 Advanced Psychology Lab
PSYC 4900 Senior Overview
PSYC 4925 Senior Capstone: History, Philosophy, and Systems of Psychology
PSYC 4950 Senior Assessment
PSYC 5000 Bases of Counseling Psychology
PSYC 5100 Approaches to Counseling and Therapy
PSYC 5200 Advanced Developmental Psychology
PSYC 5300 Psychopathology
PSYC 5400 Research Design
PSYC 5500 Assessment
PSYC 5600 Group Processes and Group Therapy
PSYC 5700 Psychopharmacology
PSYC 5800 Ethical and Legal Foundations
PSYC 5900 Applied Statistics and Research Methods
PSYC 6000 Special Topics in Counseling Psychology
PSYC 6100 Master's Thesis
PSYC 6200 Practice and Supervision
PSYC 6300 Internship
READ 5188 Comprehension Strategies
READ 5190 Language Development and Acquisitions
READ 5777 Literacy Coaching
READ 5800 Applied Research
READ 5860 Review of Reading Research
READ 5870 Supervision of Reading Programs
READ 5910 Investigations in Reading: Primary
READ 5940 Investigations in Reading, Grades 7-12
READ 5950 Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Problems
READ 5970 Practicum in Diagnosis of Reading Problems
READ 5980 Practicum in Remediation
RELG 0000 Religion
RELG 0100 Competency 1
RELG 0200 Competency 2
RELG 0300 Competency 3
RELG 1000 Roots of Religion
RELG 1040 Phenomena
RELG 1041 Religion and Globalization
RELG 1050 Experience and Values
RELG 1051 Spiritual Paths and Journeys
RELG 1060 World Religions
RELG 1080 Thinking Through Religions
RELG 2030 Contemporary Topics
RELG 2031 Violence in the Name of God
RELG 2032 Global Christianities
RELG 2050 Religion and Human Values
RELG 2055 Intersections Between Religions and Ecojustice
RELG 2070 Introduction to Eastern Religions
RELG 2075 Introduction to Buddhism
RELG 2080 Introduction to Western Religions
RELG 2085 Introduction to Judaism
RELG 2090 Introduction to Religions of Small Scale Societies
RELG 2100 Religion and Literature
RELG 2101 Science Fiction and Religion
RELG 2150 Existence and Meaning
RELG 2200 Religion and History
RELG 2201 Islam and the State
RELG 2350 Sacred Texts
RELG 2400 Religion and the Arts
RELG 2401 Religion and Media Culture
RELG 2405 Religion and Film
RELG 2410 Religion and Science
RELG 2411 Religion and Scientific Theory
RELG 2420 Religion and Culture
RELG 2430 Environment and Religion
RELG 2431 Ecology and Spirituality
RELG 2440 Religion & Social Action
RELG 2450 Death and Dying
RELG 2500 Gender, Culture and Religion
RELG 2501 Gender, Belief Systems, and Globalization
RELG 2610 Reading Course: Introductory
RELG 3030 Topics in Religion and Society
RELG 3050 Topics in Religion and Philosophy
RELG 3051 Religion and Human Rights
RELG 3070 Topics in Religion and Psychology
RELG 3100 Hinduism
RELG 3120 Buddhism
RELG 3130 Religions of China and Japan
RELG 3180 Judaism
RELG 3190 Christianity
RELG 3200 Islam
RELG 3210 African Religions
RELG 3211 African Christianities
RELG 3600 Field Experience in Religion
RELG 3605 International Field Experience in Religion
RELG 4040 Belief Systems
RELG 4250
RELG 4310 Business Ethics
RELG 4400 Spiritual Paths and Classics
RELG 4550 Advanced Study in Religion
RELG 4551 Religion and Global Issues
RELG 4560 Practicum
RELG 4600 Senior Project Preparation
RELG 4610 Reading Course: Advanced
RELG 4700 Senior Project
RELG 4800 Portfolio Review
RRW; OJWRI Senior Overview
SCED SUB Secondary substitution
SCIC 5000 Introduction to Science
SCIC 5010 Contemporary Strategies for Elementary/MS Science
SCIC 5020 Adventure Education:Personal Development
SCIC 5080 Energy Conservation
SCIC 5090 Experiments in Environmental Education
SCIC 5100 Adventure Education:Cooperation and Initiative Tasks
SCIC 5110 Astronomy for School Personnel
SCIC 5120 Geology for School Personnel
SCIC 5140 Chemistry for School Personnel
SCIC 5150 Microcomputers and Science Teaching
SCIC 5160 Meteorology
SCIC 5180 Selected Topics in Physical Science
SCIC 5200 Independent Study:Research
SCIC 5210 In-Service Education
SCIC 5220 Whole Plant Physiology for School Personnel
SCIC 5240 Animal Form and Function for School Personnel
SCIC 5260 Fresh Water Ecology for School Personnel
SCIC 5270 Field and Forest Ecology
SCIC 5280 Selected Topics in Biological Science
SCIC 5300 Light and Sound for School Personnel
SCIC 5320 Mechanics for School Personnel
SCIC 5340 Electricity and Magnetism for School Personnel
SCIC 5410 In-Service Topics
SCIC 5460 Curriculum Design
SCIC 5490 Seminars in Science
SCIC 5750 Special Institute
SCIC 5800 Applied Research
SCIC 5990 Independent Scholar
SCIC 6000 Advanced Graduate Certificate Project
SCIN 1010 Topics in Physical Science
SCIN 1011 Lab
SCIN 1030 Science in the News
SCIN 1100 Earth Science and the Environment
SCIN 1101 Earth Science and the Environment:Lab
SCIN 1120 Natural Disasters
SCIN 1140 Science Units for the Elementary School
SCIN 1150 Astronomy
SCIN 1210 Water: The World's Most Valuable Resource
SCIN 1400 Physics for Poets
SCIN 1401 Physics for Poets Lab
SCIN 1410 Light, Sound, and Electricity
SCIN 1450 Introduction to Nanotechnology
SCIN 1470 Earth and Universe
SCIN 1471 Earth and Universe: Lab
SCIN 1510 Global Climate Change
SCIN 1520 Environment
SCIN 1521 Environment:Lab
SCIN 1600 Physical Geology
SCIN 1601 Physical Geology:Lab
SCIN 1610 When Rivers Run Wild: Watersheds, Floods, and
SCIN 1800 Living On vs. Off the Grid
SCIN 2530 Global Ecologies and Sustainable Living
SCIN 3060 Methods in Science Teaching
SCIN 4060 Methods in Science Teaching
SCIN 4610 Reading Course
SCIN 5000 A 2 week review: Chemistry/ Physics/Mathematics/Introduction
SCML 5050 Communication for Science Management and Leadership
SCML 5590 Ethics and Social Responsibility in Science Management and
SCML 5700 Marketing and Comparative Analysis for Science Management
SCML 5800 Project Management
SCML 5850 Regulatory and Qualitative Affairs for Science Management
SCML 6000 Practical Application in Professional Management and
SCPT 2900 Scriptwriting
SCPT 3110 Script Analysis
SCPT 3150 Topics
SCPT 3300 Writing the Short Script
SCPT 3400 Television Scriptwriting
SCPT 3500 Writing Screenplays for Film
SCPT 3599 Independent Study (Juniors or Seniors)
SCPT 4090 Screenplay Development
SCPT 4400 Advanced Television Scriptwriting: Genres
SCPT 4402 Advanced Television Scriptwriting
SCPT 4500 Advanced Scriptwriting
SCPT 4620 Senior Overview
SCPT 4700 Professional Development in Scriptwriting
SECR 5000 Security Management
SECR 5010 Legal and Ethical Issues in Security Management
SECR 5020 Security Administration and Management
SECR 5030 Business Assets Protection
SECR 5060 Emergency Planning
SECR 5070 Issues in Security Management
SECR 5080 Information Systems Security
SECR 5090 Behavioral Issues
SECR 5110 Government Security Management
SECR 5120 Business Intelligence
SECR 5130 Investigations Management
SECR 5140 Critical Infrastructure Protection
SECR 5150 Terrorism and Extremist Activity
SECR 5160 Violence in the Workplace
SECR 5500 Professional Seminars
SECR 6000 Integrated Studies in Security Management
SECR 6250 Thesis/Project
SECR 6500 Internship
SECR 9950 Travel Course- Issues in Security
SKLL 1000 Skills Substitution
SM 3 22 Children in the Comm of Faith
SMED 1000 Media dept substitution
SOCI 1800 Careers in Sociology
SOCI 2000 Issues in Contemporary Society
SOCI 2100 Topics in Sex and Gender
SOCI 2275 Topics in Social Institutions
SOCI 2300 Deviance and Social Control
SOCI 2380 White Collar Crime
SOCI 2400 Topics in Inequality
SOCI 2525 Introduction to Social Work
SOCI 2572 Cities and Suburbs
SOCI 2575 Urban Sociology
SOCI 2600 Topics in Social Informatics
SOCI 2650 Games and Society
SOCI 2825 Introduction to Research Methods
SOCI 2900 Community Practicum
SOCI 3000 Topics in Sociology
SOCI 3175 Social Psychology
SOCI 3250 Applied Social Science
SOCI 3276 Sociology of Media and Technology
SOCI 3380 Transnational Crime
SOCI 3450 Sex and Gender
SOCI 3475 Race and Ethnicity
SOCI 3550 Sociological Theory
SOCI 3575 Environmental Sociology
SOCI 3610 Independent Reading Course
SOCI 3875 Sociology Lab
SOCI 4000 Advanced Studies in Sociology
SOCI 4175 Globalization and Social Change
SOCI 4276 Organizational Theory
SOCI 4300 Radical Violent Extremism
SOCI 4475 Class, Status, and Power
SOCI 4575 Demography amd Social Network Analysis
SOCI 4610 Advanced Independent Reading Course
SOCI 4750 Advanced Statistics
SOCI 4825 Senior Thesis
SOCI 4875 Advanced Sociology Lab
SOCI 4900 Senior Overview
SOCN 1280 Interpersonal Communications
SOCS 2525 Introduction to Social Work
SOCS 5000 Interdisciplinary Course
SOCS 5010 Social Studies for Secondary Schools
SOCS 5030 Contemporary World Affairs
SOCS 5040 Modern Asian Civilization:Modern China
SOCS 5050 Studies in Character Education
SOCS 5070 Teaching Methods for Adolescents
SOCS 5080 Topics in Classroom Computing
SOCS 5180 Gifted Education Practicum
SOCS 5190 School as a Workplace
SOCS 5200 Independent Study
SOCS 5201 Advancement to Candidacy
SOCS 5210 In-Service Education
SOCS 5230 Cultural Geography
SOCS 5250 Topics in Economic Education
SOCS 5260 Topics in Geography
SOCS 5270 Westward Expansion in the United States
SOCS 5280 Early American Civilizations
SOCS 5400 Issues in Education
SOCS 5410 In-Service Topics
SOCS 5460 Curriculum Design
SOCS 5490 Seminars in Social Sciences
SOCS 5600 Globalization & Education: Systemic Perspectives
SOCS 5610 Interactive Explorations in History & Geography
SOCS 5680 Historical Biography
SOCS 5690 American Government
SOCS 5700 Middle School History and Philosophy
SOCS 5730 New Directions in Elementary School Education
SOCS 5740 Economics:Choices and Challenges
SOCS 5750 Special Institute
SOCS 5760 Middle School Curriculum and Instruction
SOCS 5800 Applied Research
SOCS 5840 Comparative Educational Systems
SOCS 6000 Advanced Graduate Certificate Project
SOCS 6001 Integrated Project in Social Science Education
SOCS 6250 Thesis in Social Science Education
SOE UB Approved SOE substitution
SPAN 0000 Spanish
SPAN 1070 Intensive Introduction to Spanish:Level I
SPAN 1080 Intensive Introduction to Spanish:Level II
SPAN 1090 Elementary Spanish: Level I
SPAN 1091 Workshop
SPAN 1100 Elementary Spanish: Level II
SPAN 1101 Workshop
SPAN 2090 Intermediate Spanish: Level I
SPAN 2091 Workshop
SPAN 2100 Intermediate Spanish: Level II
SPAN 2101 Workshop
SPAN 2170 Intermediate Conversational Spanish
SPAN 2250 La cocina espanola e hispanoamericana
SPAN 3090 Advanced Spanish:Level I
SPAN 3091 Workshop
SPAN 3100 Advanced Spanish:Level II
SPAN 3101 Workshop
SPAN 3150 Culture and Civilization of the Spanish-Speaking World
SPAN 3151 Workshop
SPAN 3170 Advanced Conversational Spanish
SPAN 3250 Introduction to Literature
SPAN 4090 Topics in Advanced Language
SPAN 4170 Conversation and Culture
SPAN 4250 Topics in Literature
SPAN 4650 Advanced Topics
SPCM 1040 Public Speaking
SPCM 1280 Interpersonal Communication
SPCM 2000 Forensics
SPCM 2200 Group Communications
SPCM 2400 Persuasion
SPCM 2600 Nonverbal Approaches to Media Analysis
SPCM 3100 Communications as Storytelling
SPCM 3150 Topics in Communication
SPCM 3300 Navigating Relationships
SPCM 3500 Presentations for Media Professionals
SPCM 3550 Communication Strategies for Professional Settings
SPCM 3599 Independent Study (Juniors or Seniors)
SPCM 3600 Rhetoric
SPCM 4500 Conflict Resolution through Communications
SPCM 4600 Communications Theory
SPCM 4610 Readings
SPCM 4616 Communication Analysis
SPCM 4620 Senior Overview
SPCT 4700 Professional Development in Scriptwriting
SPED 5010 Differentiated Mathematics Instruction
SPED 5020 Assistive Technology for Students with Special Needs
SPED 5030 Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities
SPED 5040 Analysis and Correction of Reading Disabilities
SPED 5050 Language Development
SPED 5090 Special Education Practicum
SPED 5091 Student Teaching
SPED 5200 Independent Study
SPED 5210 In-Service Education
SPED 5220 Topics in Special Education
SPED 5230 Program Models in Special Education
SPED 5240 Psychoeducational Assessment I
SPED 5245 Counseling for Life's Transitions
SPED 5250 Behavior Management for Children with Special Needs
SPED 5260 Career Preparation for Students with Special Needs
SPED 5270 Advocating for Persons with Disabilities
SPED 5280 Attention Deficit Disorder
SPED 5290 Collaboration and Cooperative Teaching
SPED 5300 Communicating with Families and Disabled Persons
SPED 5310 Education for Adolescents with Special Needs
SPED 5311 Functional Skill Assessment for Students with
SPED 5312 Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Students with
SPED 5313 Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Students with
SPED 5314 Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral
SPED 5315 Assessment, Evaluation and Diagnosis of Emotional and
SPED 5316 Instructional Methods for Students with Emotional and
SPED 5317 Therapeutic Interventions for Disturbed Students
SPED 5318 Global Issues in Special Education
SPED 5319 Disability and Ethics
SPED 5320 Learning Strategies:A Cognitive Approach to Exceptional Learners
SPED 5330 Legal Issues in Special Education
SPED 5331 Working with Difficult Students
SPED 5340 Planning Transition
SPED 5350 Enhancing Social Competency in Children with Special Needs
SPED 5370 Educating Students with Physical and Health Impairments
SPED 5380 Methods for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities I
SPED 5381 Methods for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities II
SPED 5411 Instructional Methods for Students with Mental Retardation
SPED 5412 Instructional Methods for Students with Learning
SPED 5413 Assessment of Learning and Learning Problems
SPED 5414 Children and Youth with Learning and Academic Disorders
SPED 5460 Curriculum Design
SPED 5480 Learning and Behavior Problems in the Classroom
SPED 5500 Socioemotional Development:Child with Special Needs
SPED 5660 Cognitive Development:Child with Special Needs
SPED 5700 School-Based Prevention/ Intervention:RtI/PBIS
SPED 5701 Universal-School-Wide PBIS
SPED 5702 Secondary Prevention/ Targeted Group Interventions
SPED 5703 Functional Behavior Assessment and Intervention
SPED 5704 PBIS/Systems Leadership: Staff Development &
SPED 5800 Applied Research Methods
SPED 5830 Evaluation
SPED 5860 Psychology of the Exceptional Student
SPED 5880 Integrating Resources:Community, Schools and Family
SPED 5900 Concepts and Principles of Behavior Analysis
SPED 5901 Applied Behavior Analysis I
SPED 5902 Applied Behavior Analysis II
SPED 6000 Applied Field Research
SPED 6250 Thesis
SPSM 5000 Space Environment
SPSM 5300 Remote Sensing and Geospatial Information
SPSM 5310 Remote Sensing and Geospatial Information
SPSM 5320 Remote Sensing and Geospatial Imagery
SPSM 5330 Geospatial Information Technologies
SPSM 5340 GPS-Position Determination and Coordinate
SPSM 5360 Practical Research in Remote Sensing and Geospatial
SPSM 5600 Space Sytems Acquisition Law
SPSM 5650 Space Systems Contracting
SPSM 5700 Space Commanding Systems
SPSM 5710 Space Communications Systems
SPSM 5730 Space Operations Research
SPSM 5740 Space Systems Dynamics- Orbital Mechanics
SPSM 5750 Space Systems Engineering
SPSM 5760 Space Bio-Astronautics
SPSM 5770 Space Operations Management
SPSM 5800 GPS Space Radio Navigation Systems
SPSM 5900 Space Commercialization
SPSM 5910 Space Systems Integration
SPSM 5930 Space Systems Law and Policy
SPSM 5940 Space Decision Support Systems
SPSM 5950 Space Systems Project Management
SPSM 5990 Issues in Space Operations
SPSM 6000 Practical Research in Space Operations
SPSM 6250 Thesis/Project
SPSM 6500 Internship
SPTC 1800 Sports Communication
SPTC 3200 Communicating Baseball
SPTC 4100 Culture of Sports and Society
SPTC 4600 Sports Media Strategies
SS_3 2100 The Book of Psalms
SSSL 6019 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead: Ed Foundations
SSSL 6020 Methods of Ed Research I
SSSL 6021 Methods of Ed Research II
SSSL 6022 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead: Spec Educ Law/Legal Issues
SSSL 6023 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead: Internship in Schl Sys/Sup/Lead
SSSL 6024 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead: Law
SSSL 6025 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead: Administratn
SSSL 6026 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead: Finc/Mngt
SSSL 6027 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead: Personnel Administration
SSSL 6028 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead: Facilities
SSSL 6029 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead: Curriculum
SSSL 6030 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead: Supervision
SSSL 6031 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead: School & Community Relations
SSSL 6032 Schl Sys/Sup/Lead:Issues/Politcs
SSSL 6123 Action Research Internship, Step One
SSSL 6133 Action Research Internship, Step Two
SSSL 6134 Internship 1
SSSL 6135 Internship II
SSSL 6136 Special Education Internship
STAB 000 Study Abroad
STAB 0200 Study Abroad
STAB 1000 Study Abroad
STAB 1000 G1 Study Abroad Placeholder
STAT 1100 Descriptive Statistics
STAT 3100 Inferential Statistics
SUB 000 ANSO 2000 substitution
SUB 010 FlexTrack sub for ACCT 2010
SUB 025 FlexTrack sub for ACCT 2025
SUB 030 SUB - PHOT 4030
SUB 030 Sub 3030
SUB 220 SUB - ACCT 4220
SUB 280 Business law substitution
SUB 450 MNGT 3450 sub for dual majors
SUB 500 MNGT 3500 sub for dual majors
SUB 600 BIOL 3600 sub
SUB ANG Language Arts elective sub
SUB BRL PBRL substitution
SUB CC Validated Computer Competency for Nursing program
SUB CED SOE elctv sub for EarlyChld
SUB CHN Advanced Level Technique
SUB CIN Science elective sub
SUB CP1 IntlDevCnflctPolt Theme sub
SUB CP3 IntlDevCnflctPolt Theme UL sub
SUB DRN Modern dance substitution
SUB EPT Departmental sub
SUB ESN Graphic Design elective sub
SUB EXP Int'l experience substitution
SUB FGS Sustainability substitution
SUB GST Women&Gender Studies Sub
SUB HIL PHIL 3080 Appropriate Topic
SUB HL2 PHIL 2000 substitution
SUB IBA Liberal Arts track sub
SUB INC Finance elective sub
SUB ISR History major substitution
SUB LA1 Media/Lit/Arts Theme sub
SUB LA3 Media/Lit/Arts Theme UL sub
SUB LC Language sub
SUB LLT Ballet substitution
SUB LLU Outside content
SUB LST FLST substitution
SUB LVL Upper-level substitution
SUB NEX European Stds A & E sub
SUB NIM ANIM elective
SUB NTL IR major substitution
SUB OST Social Studies elective sub
SUB OUR JOUR substitution
SUB PE1 Relg/Phil/Ethc Theme sub
SUB PE3 Relg/Phil/Ethc Theme U-L sub
SUB PRO Sub for New Media Prod elective
SUB PTR Appropriate Computer crs sub
SUB RIA SUB - Int'l Arts/GlblCivilSoc HR
SUB RST Migration&Refugee Stds Sub
SUB SCI Social Science elective sub
SUB SDC IS/IntlDevCnflctPolt sub
SUB SML IS/Media/Lit/Arts sub
SUB SML PSML elective substitution
SUB SRP IS/Relg/Phil/Ethics sub
SUB UAE European Arts & Expression sub
SUB UST European Studies sub
SUB UST Sustainability minor sub
SUB1 ASIA ASIA emphasis sub-1000/2000 lvl
SUB1 CLAS Cert/LatinAmericanStds sub
SUB3 ASIA ASIA emphasis sub- 3000+ lvl
SUB3 CLAS SUB-Cert/LatnAmerStds 3000lvl
SUB5 ELCT Sub 5*** level elective
SUB5 INTL Sub for MA/INTL elective
SUST 1000 Introduction to Sustainability Studies
SUST 1100 Enhancing Campus Sustainability
SUST 1200 Topics in Sustainability
SUST 2200 Issues in Sustainability
SUST 3200 Advanced Topics in Sustainability
SUST 4200 Seminar in Sustainability
SUST 4500 Sustainability in Action
TELD 6000 Equitable Learning: Accessibility, Adaptation, and
TELD 6020 Coaching, Mentoring, & Evaluating
TELD 6040 School Improvement
TELD 6060 Culture and Diversity of Schools
TELE 5020 Telecommunications Project Management
TELE 5030 Legal Issues in Telecommunications Management
TELE 5040 Digital Network Environment
TELE 5050 Telecommunications Marketing
TESL 5030 Language History, Planning, and Policy
TESL 5040 Practicum in ESOL
TESL 5139 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Methods
TESL 5220 Curriculum Development in Second Language Classrooms
TESL 5230 Second Language Acquisition
TESL 5311 Principles and Practices of Language Testing
TESL 5350 Language and Culture
TESL 5710 Grammar for ESL/EFL Teachers
TESL 5720 Teaching English Pronunciation
TESL 5730 Materials Development for Language Classrooms
TEST 1000 hurr
TEST 1234 Underwater Basket Weaving
THEA 0000 Theatre
THEA 0060 Theatre Studies & Dramaturgy Meeting
THEA 0300 Acceptance/3rd Yr Conservatory
THEA 1000 Production Applications
THEA 1005 Theatre Going
THEA 1050 Theatre Appreciation
THEA 1080 Studio Acting I
THEA 2030 History of Theatre- Greeks to Elizabethan
THEA 2040 History of Theatre- Restoration to 1915
THEA 2050 History of Theatre-1915 to the Present
THEA 2060 Introduction to Dramaturgy and Play Analysis
THEA 2080 Studio Acting II
THEA 2100 Introduction to Theatre Design
THEA 2620 Practicum (Freshman or Sophomores)
THEA 2630 Independent Study (Freshman or Sophomores)
THEA 3030 Topics in Theatre
THEA 3040 Topics in Theatre
THEA 3060 Theatre in the Elementary Classroom
THEA 3070 Creative Dramatics: Social Issues
THEA 3710 Directing I
THEA 3720 Directing II
THEA 4060 Advanced Dramaturgy Seminar
THEA 4500 London Theatre
THEA 4610 Reading Course
THEA 4620 Practicum (Juniors or Seniors)
THEA 4630 Independent Study (Juniors or Seniors)
THEA 4710 Directing III
THEA 4720 Directing IV
THEM 1000 Int'l Stds - Thematic Focus
THRY 1000 Media Theory Substitution
THRY CERT Certificate Theory Substitution
TOPC 1000 Topic substitutions
TOPC 2000 SOCI 2000 Topic substitution
TOPC 3000 Topics Substitution
UPPR ASIA Upper-level IS/Asia sub
UPPR ELCT Upper-level elective sub
UPPR ISEU Upper-level IS/Europe sub
UPPR LTNA Upper-level IS/Latin Am sub
VAL UB Values substitution
VIDE 0100 VIDE Portfolio Review
VIDE 1100 Gorlok Television
VIDE 3150 Topics
WGST 1010 Women, Gender, and Sexuality Around the World
WGST 1020 Introduction to Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
WGST 2000 Topics in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGST 2010 Feminist and Gender Theory
WGST 2030 Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
WGST 2040 Queer Theory
WGST 2050 Topics in LGBTQ Studies
WGST 2060 Politics and Gender
WGST 2080 LGBTQ Persons and the Law
WGST 2125 Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
WGST 2210 Gender, Population, and the Environment xx DELETED FROM CAT AS OF 2018
WGST 2225 Women: Power, Place, and Person xx DELETED FROM CAT AS OF 2018
WGST 2260 Men and Masculinities
WGST 2275 LGBTQ Families
WGST 2320 Women in World Religions
WGST 2322 Whodunit? Murder, Mayhem and Misogyny xx DELETED FROM CAT AS OF 2018
WGST 2325 Goddesses
WGST 2330 Women in Music xx DELETED FROM CAT AS OF 2018
WGST 2350 LGBTQ Cultural History
WGST 2370 U.S. Womens History
WGST 2475 Bisexualities
WGST 2610 Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Social Justice Organizations
WGST 2620 Women and the Law
WGST 2680 Transnational Feminism
WGST 3000 Topics in Women and Gender Studies
WGST 3050 Issues in LGBTQ Studies
WGST 3080 Theorizing Sexualities
WGST 3200 Gender and Sexuality in the Arts
WGST 3230 Domestic Violence
WGST 3235 Cross-Cultural Masculinities
WGST 3270 Female Sexuality and Society
WGST 3350 Feminist Criminology
WGST 3370 Feminist Philosophy
WGST 3630 Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Practicum
WGST 3710 Feminist Research Methods
WGST 4000 Advanced Research Topics in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGST 4210 Feminist Science xx DELETED FROM CAT AS OF 2018
WGST 4220 Gender, Justice, and Human Rights
WGST 4240 Feminism and Families
WGST 4330 Global Sex/Gender System
WGST 4650 Women and Gender Studies Capstone
WGST SPHS WGST Social&PhysSci Sub
WOMN 2004 Issues in Women's Studies: Whodunit?
WOMN 2006 Issues in Women's Studies: Women's Spirituality
WRIT 1000 Basic Writing Workshop
WRIT 1010 Composition
WRIT 2000 Advanced Composition
WRIT 2072 Writing for Change
WRIT 2090 Writing in the Workplace
WRIT 2400 Introduction to Professional Writing
WRIT 3000 Professional Writing Practicum
WRIT 3100 Report & Proposal Writing
WRIT 3200 Technical Writing
WRIT 3300 Solving Information Problems
WRIT 3400 Editing and Style
WRIT 4000 Topics in Professional Writing
WRIT 4200 Writing for Digital Environments
WRIT 4400 Advanced Workshop in Professional Writing
WRIT 4600 Professional Writing Portfolio Review
WSBT 2000 Career Exploration
WSBT 2000 Career Exploration for Professional Success
WSBT 2300 Personal Branding
WSBT 2700 Career Management Strategies
WSBT 5000 Career Success for the 21st Century
XXX 120 test
ZADV 1000 ADVT minor substitutions
ZANM 1000 ANIM 1000 minor sub
ZANM SUB Animation Production minor sub
ZART 1000 ART minor substitutions
ZAST 1000 Ancient Stds minor substitution
ZAST 2000 Ancient Stds minor substitution
ZAUD 1000 Audio Prod minor sub
ZBRJ 1000 BJRN Minor substitution
ZBUS 1000 BUSN minor sub:ECON 2030
ZBUS 2010 BUSN minor sub for ACCT 2010
ZBUS 2020 BUSN minor sub for ECON 2020
ZBUS 2025 BUSN minor sub for ACCT 2025
ZBUS 2100 BUSN minor sub for MNGT 2100
ZBUS 3210 BUSN minor sub for FINC 3210
ZCOS SUB Computer Science minor sub
ZECO 2020 ECON minor sub for 2020
ZECO 2030 ECON minor sub for 2030
ZECO 3020 ECON minor sub for 3020
ZFIN 2010 FINC minor sub for ACCT 2010
ZFIN 2025 FINC minor sub for ACCT 2025
ZFLS 1000 Film Studies minor sub
ZFLS 1800 FLST MINOR sub for 1800
ZFLS 2050 FLST MINOR sub for 2050
ZFLS 2060 FLST MINOR sub for 2060
ZFLS 3160 FLST MINOR sub for 3160
ZFLS 4160 FLST MINOR sub for 4160
ZFLS SUB FLST minor sub
ZFNC 2010 FINC minor sub for ACCT 2010
ZFNC 2025 FINC minor sub for ACCT 2025
ZFNC 3210 FINC minor sub for FINC 3210
ZHPS 1000 HIST/POLT minor sub
ZHRT SUB Int'l Hum Rghts minor sub
ZHST 1000 HIST minor substitutions
ZHST SUB HIST minor substitutions
ZIDM 1000 Interactive Digtl Med minor sub
ZIDM 1600 Minor/Sub for INTM 1600
ZIDM 2000 Minor/Sub for INTM 2000
ZIDM 2200 Minor/Sub for INTM 2200
ZINT 1000 Int'l Relations minor sub
ZJRN 1000 JOUR minor substitutions
ZLAS 1000 Latin American Stds sub
ZLAS 3000 Latin American Stds sub
ZMED 1000 MEDC minor substitutions
ZMGT 1000 MNGT minor substitution
ZMLT SUB MLIT minor substitutions
ZMUL 3000 MULC minor substitution
ZMUL SUB MULC minor substitution
ZPBR 2100 PBRL 2100 minor substitution
ZPBR 2920 PBRL 2920 minor substitution
ZPBR 3550 PBRL sub for MNGT 3550
ZPBR MINR PBRL minor substitution
ZPHO 1000 PHOT minor substitutions
ZPOL 1000 POLT minor substitutions
ZSCR 2900 SCPT minor sub for SCPT 2900
ZSCR 3400 SCPT minor sub for SCPT 3400
ZSCR 3500 SCPT minor sub for SCPT 3500
ZSCR 4400 SCPT minor sub for SCPT 4400
ZSCR 4500 SCPT minor sub for SCPT 4500
ZSPC SUBS SPCM minor substitutions
ZSPC ULVL SPCM upper-level minor subs
ZTHE 1000 THEA minor substitutions
ZTPC 1000 WebSiteDev minor - Topic
ZVID 1000 Video minor substitutions
ZWRI 1000 Professional Writing minor sub
Course Classification:
One Among A
One Among B
One Among C
One Among D
One Among E
Two Among A
Two Among B
Two Among C
Three Among A
Four Among A
Departmental Elective